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URGENT! Senate votes TODAY, NOV. 21. Extra action needed!

Jim Babka, President DownsizeDC

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From: Downsizer Dispatch
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 2:53 PM
Subject: URGENT! Senate votes tomorrow. Extra action needed!

WE'RE SENDING A SECOND DOWNSIZER-DISPATCH TODAY BECAUSE the healthcare bill needs 60 votes in the Senate TOMORROW in order to move forward. We must do everything we can, RIGHT NOW, to make sure it gets 59 votes or less.

If your Senator is on the list below, please call and tell him or her to VOTE NO ON CLOTURE FOR THE HEALTHCARE BILL.

If your Senator isn't on the list, please send another letter to both your Senators.

There may not be any chances left to protest, so please take time for this extra action if at all possible. Your letter can be very simple. Here's what I just wrote:

I want the healthcare bill defeated. Oppose cloture. Remember, everything you do relies on force. I do not want to be forced to pay for or submit to the healthcare bill.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

On top of that, here's a list of the highest priority Senators that must get as many calls as possible. The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons ( reports that these Senators are still undecided on how to vote. Let's try to influence their decision.

Senator Bill Nelson (NE) 202-224-6551

Senator Blanche Lincoln (AR) 202-224-4843

Senator Mary Landrieu (LA) 202-224-5824

Senator Mark Warner (VA) 202-224-2023

It would also be very helpful to call your Senator even if he or she isn't on this list. Every bit helps. Let's flood them with calls. You can get their phone numbers when you log-in to's Educate the Powerful System to send your letter to Congress.

Thank you for being part of the ready and active Downsize DC Army,

Jim Babka, President, Inc.

P.S. Congressional offices are usually open as long as Congress is in session. So, if you see the Senate on C-SPAN2 on Saturday, there's still time to call. However, don't delay. The sooner you call, the better.

P.P.S. A couple of years back, citizens jammed the Senate switchboard and caused Republicans to switch their votes on a very unpopular immigration bill that seemed certain to pass. Now, we can press some Democrats in exactly the same way. You are not alone and your calls matter.

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

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