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We Can Still Beat "Obamacare" in the Senate


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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 12:31 PM
Subject: We Can Still Beat "Obamacare" in the Senate

Dear Friend of Freedom,

Will you authorize me to put your name on a FaxGram to every member of the U.S. Senate -- including your  two U.S. Senators --  demanding they vote "NO" on "Obamacare"?

I'm sure you were as dismayed as I was to see the House pass the 2,000-page Obama-Pelosi government takeover of health care bill 220-to-215.

We could have stopped this government takeover of one-sixth of the U.S. economy with a change of just three votes.

The devastating defeats suffered by Obama-backed candidates for governor in New Jersey and Virginia made the vote close.  Many so-called "Blue Dog" Democrats are scared to death of a backlash at the polls in 2010.  Pelosi reportedly had to trade earmarks and amendments to win this razor-thin victory----humiliating for a Speaker with an 80-seat advantage.

Unless you act NOW, Obamacare will become the law of the land, leading to the rationing of care, MASSIVE tax increases, a new 8% payroll tax, HUGE job losses, and $500 BILLION cuts in Medicare for our seniors.  

But we still have another chance to stop this Socialist takeover of America's health care system.

We can stop it in the U.S. Senate.

Stopping this bill in the House was always a long shot -- as Democrats can cut off debate and manipulate House rules to their advantage.

It's amazing we did as well as we did -- falling short by just 3 votes.

Our best chance to stop Obamacare has always been the Senate.  Some analysts say passing the health care power grab in the Senate will be like climbing Mt. Everest.

That's where we must take our stand to save freedom in America -- which is why it's so urgently important to bury the Senate with thousands of FaxGrams demanding a "No" vote on Obamacare.

My name is Ralph Reed.  

I am the Chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition -- a new organization set up specifically to mobilize tens of millions of Americans to OPPOSE and DEFEAT President Obama's far-left agenda for America.

MISSION #1 right now: Defeat "Obamacare."

Over the next 3 days we are aiming to bury the U.S. Senate with thousands of FaxGrams of Protest against "Obamacare."

If we can do that, I believe we have a very real chance to shock the Senate with the intensity of public opposition to having government take over your health care.

The crushing liberal defeats in the elections in New Jersey and Virginia have many Democrats in the Senate rocked back on their heels -- especially Democrats who represent conservative states.

In addition, Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut has already announced his plans to join the Republicans in a filibuster to defeat "Obamacare."

It will require 60 votes for the Left to overcome a Republican-led filibuster.

So we still have a good chance to DEFEAT Obamacare if every American who values freedom makes their views known to their U.S. Senators.

Here's the reality . . .

If we can defeat Obamacare in the Senate,  this will effectively end the Obama Presidency -- as he will be an immediate "lame duck."

On the other hand, if President Obama manages to ram this disastrous government-run health care plan through the Senate -- that will set the stage for his remaking of America into his vision of a Socialistic state.

It will be the end of America as the "Land of the Free."

Congresswoman Michele Bachman was exactly right when she called Obamcare the "Crown Jewel" of President Obama's Socialist Agenda for our great country.

If we lose this battle, there's probably no stopping the rest of Obama's Far-Left agenda.

The vote in the Senate is right now very close.

Seven Democrat Senators have already expressed their reservations about "Obamacare."

But you can be sure President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will do everything in their power to bribe, threaten, bully and intimidate these fence-sitting Democrat Senators to vote their way.

Plus, we can't be sure how the liberal Republican Senators from Maine, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, will vote.

In other words, the survival of freedom in America hangs now by one or two votes in the Senate.

That's why it's so important for every member of the U.S. Senate to hear right now from hundreds of thousands of Americans who care about freedom.  And that's why it's so important for you, right now, to . . .

You and I know that "Obamacare" really has nothing to do with fixing America's health care system.

It's all about government and the left seizing control of your life.

What better way to seize control over your life than seizing control over the decision as to whether you get medical treatment or not -- or even over whether you live or die?

Do you think your political party registration, for example,  might eventually play into the decision on whether you get the life-saving medical treatment you need?

Do you think donors to President Obama's Presidential campaigns just might get preferred treatment -- magically pushed to the front of the line?

That's what always happens when politicians are in charge of anything.

They use their power to reward their friends and punish their foes.

Why should health care be any different?

Most of the problems with America's health care system are caused by government.

We could easily bring down the cost of health care in America by making a few simple reforms -- reforms Obama and the Left oppose.   For example . . .

  • Allow citizens to take their health insurance with them if they change jobs.
  • End frivolous lawsuits against doctors by requiring losers in suits to pay all legal costs and cap lawsuit awards.
  • Allow citizens to buy health insurance across state lines (to create more competition between insurance companies by giving more choices to citizens).
  • Make all health insurance and medical costs tax-deductible to individuals.
  • Expand Health Savings Account IRAs.
  • Make it illegal for insurance companies to drop you if you get sick.

Just these reforms alone, say experts, would quickly cut the cost of health care in America by 30-40%.

President Obama is flat-out lying when he says conservatives don't have a health care reform plan.

It's very clear that "Obamacare" has nothing to do with saving money or improving health care -- but everything to do with seizing control over just about the most important area of your life -- the decision-making over whether your get the medical treatment you need or not -- even control over whether you live or die.

What decisions are more important or personal than that?

That's why we must STOP this disaster for America.

And that's why Faith & Freedom Coalition has launched this Emergency Campaign to bury the U.S. Senate with thousands of FaxGrams over the next 3 days.

Our goal: To shock the U.S. Senate into voting "NO" "Obamacare" (which will also effectively end the Obama Presidency and save freedom in America).

A big key to victory on this is our ability to generate thousands of FaxGrams of protest to Congress in the next three days.

Will you give me permission to put your name on FaxGrams to every member of Congress -- including your Congressman and two U.S. Senators -- saying "NO" to "Obamacare"?

We can deliver "FaxGrams" in your name to your two U.S. Senators for $24.95 -- which also gives us a few extra-dollars to work with so we can reach many more Americans with FaxGram Authorization Requests like this one.

How We'll Use Your $24.95 To Help Stop "Obamacare"

Every penny of your $24.95 will be used to send your FaxGrams to your two U.S. Senators -- and to reach more Americans with this FaxGram Authorization Request.

This email you are reading here is being sent to 2,400,000 Americans.  

If enough donations and FaxGram Authorizations come in today and tomorrow, we'll use these funds to reach millions more Americans in the next few days with this email and FaxGram Authorization Request -- which is the key to our ability to bury Congress with a massive and overwhelming avalanche of these FaxGrams of Protest.

In other words, we urgently need the participation of everyone who receives this email FaxGram Authorization Request if we are to generate the overwhelming public pressure on Congress required to DEFEAT "Obamacare."

Thank you for reading my letter.

I will anxiously look for the arrival of your FaxGram Authorization to arrive in the next few minutes so we can STOP "Obamacare" in the U.S. Senate.


Ralph Reed
Founder and Chairman
Faith & Freedom Coalition

P.S.  FaxGrams actually have more impact than phone calls to the Senate because members of the Senate see FaxGrams -- whereas staff intercept and screen phone calls.  

But Senate offices notice when their offices fill up with faxes.  Senators tell us an avalanche of FaxGrams hitting their office really gets their attention -- even more now in the wake of the crush pro-freedom victories in the New Jersey and Virginia elections.

Your FaxGrams will help keep the heat on the U.S. Senate and remind every Senator (especially those representing conservative-leaning states) that America is strongly opposed to this Socialist takeover of our health care system and strongly opposed to President Obama's Socialist Agenda for America.

About the Faith & Freedom Coalition

Faith and Freedom Coalition was established in 2009 to mobilize tens of millions of Americans to actively oppose President Obama's  and the current Congressional leadership's far-left agenda for America, including . . .

  • The federal government's takeover of much of the U.S. economy -- including our health care system.
  • The assault by our own government on the moral values that made America great.
  • President Obama's radical federal judge appointments who are using their power on the courts to weaken the family and erase the last traces of America's Judeo-Christian heritage from American public life.

Never before has it been more critical for ordinary Americans to rise up by the millions to take our country back from those who oppose the principles of liberty and limited-government established by America's Founding Fathers in the Constitution of the United States -- the principles that made America the freest, most prosperousn ation in human history.

That is why the Faith and Freedom Coalition is right now mobilizing tens of millions of Americans to . . .

1) Send a strong message to their representatives in Congress that they will be held accountable on Election Day in 2010 if they side with President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the far-left who are trying to destroy the America established by our Founding Fathers;

2) Continue to mobilize millions of pro-freedom Americans to show up at "Tea Party" protest rallies and Congressional townhall meetings to express their strong opposition to what's happening in Washington, DC.

3) Organize millions of pro-freedom activists at the neighborhood and precinct level to produce a record-breaking turnout of  Christian and pro-freedom voters in the 2010 Congressional elections to make a powerful statement that America REJECTS the far-left direction President Obama and radicals in Congress are now taking America.