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Congress members jumping onto 'pink slips' campaign (with video)

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Nov. 15, 2009

Pink slips, if stacked, would be taller than Sears Tower

Members of Congress have been talking about the "pink slips" campaign, which warns them against "charge-it-and-spend-it" government programs, cap-and-trade taxes and federalized health care, for some time among themselves. Now they're going public.

A news conference has been scheduled for tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the House Triangle outside the U.S. Capitol to address the "pink slips" campaign that already has generated more than 4.5 million notices to members of Congress that their jobs will depend on their representation of America's real needs.

"They're talking about it, but they're only talking about it behind closed doors and in the elevators as they go up and down and in very whispered tones," said Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., "Because, what you hear are people saying, 'How many of those did you get or how many people came to your office today? And what are you going to do and how are you going to vote on this?'"

For just $29.95 you can send an individualized notice to every member of Congress in the form of a "pink slip" with their name on it and your name on it.

Price is expected to be one of several members of Congress at the news conference.

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C.; Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.; and Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, are among others expected to attend.

Janet Porter, founder and president of Faith2Action, will be there.

"Pink slips nearly three times the size of the Washington Monument have already been delivered to Congress demanding that the government stay out of health care, energy, and speech," said Porter.

"It’s encouraging to know that message is finally being heard – and not a moment too soon," she said.

The pink slips were credited by DeMint with having derailed Senate support for the House health-care plan that establishes a federal system that would fine citizens who don't purchase health insurance


Boxed and ready to go

"These pink slips are getting to people right now," DeMint said. "It's the only reason people haven't passed something [the health-care bill] in the Senate."

Joseph Farah, founder and chief executive officer of WND, who helped set up the program, also will be there.

"Placed end to end, the 'pink slips' would stretch from the District of Columbia to the Sears Tower in Chicago,” he said. "If stacked, the pile of pink would be taller than the Sears Tower itself."

The stack of pink slips already dispatched to each member of the U.S. House and Senate is roughly waist-high.

Farah said the program is unprecedented, but the "rest of the news media seems determined to downplay it – even spike any mention of it.

"It's just like the tea parties and the massive rally in Washington and the town hall coverage – non-existent," he said.

But the decision-makers are noticing, DeMint confirmed.

"We've already received thousands of pink slips in our office, and I think this is a good wake-up call for Congress. I'm encouraged that Americans across the country are standing up and speaking out for constitutional, limited government. Congress needs to get the message loud and clear: stop the spending, stop the takeovers, and stand up for our freedoms."

Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo., said private citizens will be the "final judge on the success or failure of the government."

"The pink slip campaign serves as a good reminder of the unavoidable fact that every member of Congress answers to their constituents and that they ignore their voices at their own peril," Akin said.

Earlier, Minnesota's Michele Bachmann, a Republican, offered her support for the program.

"The pink slips program is a great way to get the attention of members who have forgotten they will have to answer to the people next year on out-of-control spending and Washington power grabs," she said. "I support it! And I want my constituents to know I hear them loud and clear."

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The program was launched by WND to allow Americans to send individually addressed pink slips to every member of Congress for a price of just $29.95.

The program is to advise members of the U.S. House and Senate that they could be facing a "pink slip" as early as 2010 if they vote for more spending, socialized medicine, cap-and-trade legislation and a hate-crimes measure.

"I believe this campaign, already tremendously successful beyond my wildest expectations, can have a real impact on politicians whose first priority is getting re-elected," says Farah. "I think this might be our last chance to give congressional Democrats something to think about before they destroy the country. It might be our last, best hope of stopping the madness."

The effort clearly reveals, says Farah, "that Americans are mobilized to take action to stop Washington's plans for bigger, more expensive and more intrusive government."

WND announced the campaign with a stated goal of 5 million notices, individually addressed, personalized with sender's name and address and delivered to all members of Congress by Fed Ex.

In the first week, suppliers of paper reported the campaign had completely tapped the nation's reserves of 8.5 x 11 inch pink paper. As the last full pallet of pink paper was delivered to the printer, new supplies had to be ordered and manufactured.

Pink slips spotted on Capitol Hill

"It's our version of a stimulus program," said Farah.

The "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign ensures that a brief but poignant message will be delivered by Fed Ex to all 535 members of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate – all for a remarkably low price based on economies of scale.

The cost of each message translates to 6 cents per message – individually addressed for both the recipient and the sender and shipped by Fed Ex.

"We encourage citizens to take individual actions," said Farah. "But when we act as a group, it's more cost-effective and the results more dramatic. Just try Fed Exing members of Congress yourself and see what it costs. We have learned from past experience that Fed Ex actually ensures delivery to members. What they do with them at that point is their choice."

"I believe this is already the most successful grass-roots effort in history," said Porter. "After all the town halls and tea parties and the massive demonstration in Washington, Congress still hasn't gotten the message. Now it's time to show them just how serious we are with a message aimed at what they most care about – getting re-elected."

The "pink slip" officials are getting is a warning that they work for the taxpayers. It lists four key issues that are deemed unacceptable to participants.

  • government health care
  • cap and trade
  • "hate crimes"
  • any more spending

"If you vote for any of these, your real pink slip will be issued in the next election," it warns.

Note: If you're a member of the media and would like to interview Joseph Farah or Janet Porter, e-mail WND.

Send your pink slips to Congress now