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H1N1 or so called Swine Flu is not that serious, having significantly less impact than ordinary seasonal


The vaccine however is an entirely different matter. Those responsible for its' manufacture have

connections to governments across the industrial world who have granted them immunity from prosecution

for all adverse reactions, including death.

Even if you are someone who beleives in vaccines generally, this one is very different. It has been

rushed through without proper testing. It contains, among other ingredients, Thiomersal (Mercury) linked

to autism spectrum disorders and Squalene, strongly linked to Guillane Barre or Gulf War syndrome. The

very package inserts state that it shold not be given to pregnant women and yet they and the very young

have been among the first targeted for the early wave of jabs.

What is going on?

Reported numbers are that over half of all doctors and more than a third of nurses in the UK have said they will not be having it. Given that these figures are reported in the same main stream media which has thus far failed to report the criminal charges brought against vaccine maker, Baxter Inernational for distributing LIVE bird flu within Swine Flu "vaccine", or the unfolding Pneumonic Plague' disaster in Ukraine, its safe to assume these numbers are artificially low.

The level 6 pandemic declared by the World Health Organisation in June 2009 triggered clauses within UN

treaties signed by ALL nations, to cede control to the WHO/UN in such an event. The criteria defining a

Level 6 Pandemic was revised in 2003 significantly lowering the benchmark.

Under the new definiton EVERY year since 1918 would have been a Level 6 Pandemic.

It seems likely this is an engineered pandemic deisigned to reap huge profits for the drug companies

whilst also advancing a globalist agenda. If along the way, hundreds of thousands of people lose their

lives, it appears that there are those for whom this is not too high a price to pay to achieve a global


The film shows that there are a great many awake and aware people who are not going to take this lying


If you are someone coming to this for the first time DO NOT get your swine flu jab until you have done

extensive research OUTSIDE the main stream media.

If you are or know someone who is a member of the police or security services, find out the facts fast


Position within government or society does not place anyone above the law.

And if you are one of those criminals responsible for this assault, be warned.

We are many and you are few.

The tide has turned.

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Edmund Burke