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RISE UP FOR AMERICA (with video)

Robert F. “Bob” Bickel, Sr.

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Harding college put this out in 1948. 


This is one of the best I have ever seen and it was produced in 1948 . This should be viewed by every AMERICAN....     WHETHER DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN


Let us begin with this---

Excerpted from the Foreword of


            Betrayal of the national trust and the engineered collapse of the Constitution of the United States of America through ongoing criminal activities and political subversion of America’s freedoms….

 On March 26, 1919, from a podium with over a thousand people in attendance in New York, this statement was made, “I am going back to Russia to overthrow the Provisional Government and stop the war with Germany and allow no interference from any outside government…. I want you people here to organize and keep on organizing until you are able to overthrow this damned, rotten, capitalistic Government of this country.” Leon Trotsky did leave America the next morning traveling on a U.S. Passport provided by President Woodrow Wilson. In addition to fifty or so fellow Bolsheviks who had been exercising their influence in America securing support for the Bolshevik Revolution from New York financiers, highly placed government officials and a willing European immigrant community were “fellow travelers” later described in his journals by American Communist Lincoln Steffens. “Notably, Steffens was on board en route to Russia at the specific invitation of Charles Richard Crane, a backer and former chairman of the Democratic Party’s finance committee.” Trotsky, traveling under a US passport provided by President Wilson, his traveling companions including the former chairman of the Democratic Party finance committee, and his statements to the audience in New York before leaving have, in their proper historical context, much greater implications than can be imagined for our nation 90 years later. 

             “….organize and keep on organizing until you are able to overthrow this damned, rotten, capitalistic Government of this country,” foretells the political genealogy and the powerfully subversive impact of a foreign and alien political agenda on which the Democratic Party doctrine through several decades, the current policies and legislative initiatives of the Obama Administration and their supporters have been constructed. This, not as honorable representatives and statesmen committed to the safety and security of a Constitutional world power, but as agents in place of a stateless ideological enemy of America and its people. Their purpose being to convert the freedoms and prosperity previously enjoyed by our citizens to the perversion of Trotsky’s Communist International teachings. These individuals, men and women alike, their offices held under false and treasonous pretense, presume to conduct the business of the people and government of the United States of America crafting unconstitutional, life altering legislation and policies behind closed doors and in secret meetings more appropriate to the old Soviet Politburo than to the halls of the United States Capitol. The Obama Administration, a materially significant number of his cabinet and staff including the infamous Czars, who openly subscribe to and pursue radical left and socialist/Marxist political doctrine  represent not the constitutional foundations of America but a wholly subversive movement operating openly, freely and without challenge from traditionally and historically conservative elements of America’s political leadership.

Sadly, the Republican leadership throughout America, those in incumbent positions as well as those who would be political hopefuls for the highest offices, unapologetically present themselves in the disingenuous and indefensible position of “negotiating the language” of unconstitutional legislation and policy initiatives emanating from the Marxist/socialist agenda of the Obama Administration, the Democratic leadership in the United States Congress and hostile foreign influences. This message is delivered loudly and clearly in every public interview, every discussion or position statement on the issues at hand. The national Republican leadership has now distinguish themselves as an omnipotent power, holding positions that separate themselves as “the Republican Leadership” from conservative voters representing the vast majority of the nation. They have become accepting of the subversion of the security of the nation and its citizens as opposed to establishing their firm and unyielding position as defenders of the Constitution of the United States of America, the rights and freedoms of the American people. They offer only capitulation to the socialist doctrine as it is embodied in the Obama Administration, negotiating terms of surrender, fearful of the demand that they act in accordance with the integrity, honor and duties of their respective offices as first line defenders of America’s national security, unyielding in their commitment to the Constitution, its intent and purpose. 

  The Administration of Barak Obama, the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and their supporters engaged in ongoing criminal activity destroying this nation do not represent the legitimate authority of the Constitution of the United States of America or its duly authorized government. The clear and definitive representation of the subversion of this nation as the “Capstone” of a legacy from an earlier era, and a comparison to America’s original conservative foundations is best summarized by a passage written 90 years ago – 

 “During modern times the effort of civilization has been directed to lifting mankind to the highest possible level of intelligence and social material wellbeing, in order to attain the highest degree of social equality between man and man. For the first time since the Dark Ages has an organized government undertaken to invoke a process of equalization by establishing as the basis of social equality the minimum rather than the maximum degree of existing educational, industrial, social, and moral efficiency, yet such is the policy of the Bolshevist Government. It recognizes that the psychology of even the most illiterate elements of the Russian people is such that it cannot perpetuate this doctrine in practice unless the same reactionary methods of equalization are simultaneously destroying the social fabric, the efficiency, the individual initiative, the ambition, and the material prosperity of the peoples of all other nations, whose competition and accomplishments would necessarily result in odious and destructive comparisons. Not content therefore in fathering in Russia, this retrograde method of establishing the equality of mankind on the basis of the lowest strata of society, it has undertaken to arouse in the United States and in all other countries resentment, rancor, and hatred against those elements of society which have, by reason of their aptitude, perseverance, industry, and thrift attained that superior degree of intelligence and prosperity that has made possible the accomplishments of twentieth century civilization. The effort of progressing civilization has always been the uplifting of man to a higher and higher plane of living and a loftier place in society.” “The activities of the Bolsheviki constitute a complete repudiation of modern civilization and the promulgation of the doctrine that the best attainment of the most backward member of society shall be the level at which mankind shall find its final and victorious goal. The pulling down of the progressive rather than the lifting up of the retrogressive is presented as the doctrine of their new kind of civilization. To carry this message to the uttermost parts of the earth they have appropriated enormous sums of money, and incidentally, their process of equalization in Russia was promoted by the starvation which the funds thus expended might have been utilized to alleviate. Their messengers and their friends have afflicted this country, and their new civilization has been represented as Utopian in its nature. Many well-disposed persons have been deceived into the belief that they were promoting a social welfare movement in advocating it. They have even given their substance that it might be perpetuated and extended.” “Yet, while these people who have been popularly called ‘Parlor Bolsheviki’ are contributing to these Bolshevist agents, these same agents are appealing to the hatred and the lowest instincts of the more ignorant elements of the population, reinforced by the criminally inclined, to whom the doctrine of confiscation furnishes a form of legalized robbery and a means of livelihood without physical or mental effort, to rise en masse and destroy our civilization and the so-called bourgeoisie with whom, of course, must be classed these same ‘Parlor Bolsheviki’ who are assisting, by lending funds and respectability to the movement, in bringing the temple down upon their own heads.”

 There are no clichés that suffice to the demands of the moment and no longer can the quotations of the Founding Fathers be traded through the endless chatter on the numerous “social networks.” Conservative America has its own voice and will not “live down” to the expectations of the lowest social denominator. The radical Socialist Democrats (self proclaimed or otherwise) as well as the entrenched Republican leadership of the nation will find that the voice of the voters of conservative America will no longer be ignored, demeaned by childish name calling and certainly never silenced. In every instance when America as a nation has been threatened by the hostilities of an external aggressor, suffered natural catastrophes, or been pressed with economic crisis, it has been the conservative foundations of the national spirit, its unique entrepreneurial genius, the willingness of its people to defend and support the freedoms of the Constitution that set the nation apart from every other country on the face of the earth.  We are America  

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s legacy to Barack Obama - betrayal of America’s trust    

Robert F. “Bob” Bickel, Sr.

The Woodlands, Texas

October 2009