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I am very sorry to report that around 10:15 P. M. tonight, 11.7.09, the House passed the Pelosi healthcare bill (H. R. 3962).  The Democrats for the bill -- 219; Republicans against it -- 176.  Only one Republican voted for the bill -- Rep. Joseph Cao from Louisiana.  39 Democrats voted against it. 
The only good news is that the Stupak amendment did pass 240 to 194 (Rep. Shadegg voted present). This means that no federal funding for abortions will be in this bill. 
Now the fight will turn to the Senate where Harry Reid is to come out with that bill very soon.  If the Senate bill passes the full Senate, then a conference committee will take both the  House bill and the Senate bill, meld them together, working with the White House.  If the final bill is approved in identical form by both the full Senate and the full House, then the bill would be sent to Obama for his signature. 
Conservative Americans, we now know what to do. Our first step will be to move our focus to the Senate.  The next step is to raise up conservative Republicans to run against the 219 Democrats who voted for this healthcare bill. The third step is to do everything in our power to elect strong conservatives to every spot in the House on Nov. 2, 2010.  We also have about a third of the Senate who will be up for re-election on that same date.  If we do our part, we can clean out both the House and the Senate of the type of Congressmen who would vote for a healthcare bill that has the power to destroy the finest healthcare system in the world. 
Donna Garner
The voting on things like this only prove that the Ds and the Rs have no more intelligence than other herd animals.  They are individually much too stupid to think a thought, but can only parrot the thoughts of others.  I long ago realized that anyone involved in livestock production has a much better understanding of the humanoid mammalian than others might have.  Periodically they all head for the cliff, and that's where they are headed again right now.  Mo-o-o-o-o!  Ba-a-a-a!

Best regards,.

Bob Taft

The Taft Ranch

Upton, Wyoming