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DIRECT Fax Action To Congress: Pass Medicare For All (Weiner Amendment), Or Don't Fool Either Yourself Or Us [28031]

The Pen

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----- Original Message -----
From: "The Pen" <>
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 1:16 PM
Subject: DIRECT Fax Action To Congress: Pass Medicare For All (Weiner Amendment), Or Don't Fool Either Yourself Or Us [28031]
Dear Friends and Activists,

This is the second one of our brand new direct fax actions on health care reform, the first of which generated tens of thousands of faxes to the White House.

This one will add your signature (and any personal comments of your own) to a fax petition with the heading, "Pass Medicare For All Or Pass Nothing", and send it to each of your individual members of Congress.

Fax Action On Medicare for All:

The fact is that from the moment early on that Max Baucus manipulated the hearings in his Senate committee to keep any spokesperson for single payer from even having a voice at the table, the entire

congressional process has been rigged to keep any meaningful reform of our health care system from actually happening. The corporate medical interests whose business it is to gouge the American people have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to literally bribe members of Congress to look the other way, and to try to slam the door on any real reform.

But we the American people still have a choice. We can, as the deceivers in Washington hope, remain silent and simply capitulate to the unconscionable. Or in the alternative, we can speak out, and declare that we will not be fooled, that we will not be deceived, that we will not accept outright fraud as the best we get from our representatives in Congress. And speak out we must if we expect a different result.

Please go to the action page below now, read the actual text of the fax petition. We think you will find it candid and unequivocal. Then speak out and make your voice heard at this most critical of moments.

Fax Action On Medicare for All:

We are expecting the latest bulk batch of Single Payer Health Care caps to arrive within a couple days. So if you had already requested one in the last week or so, we'll be getting that out to you as fast was we can, so you too can demonstrate your support for REAL health care reform. Or else you can get one from the return page after you submit the fax action page above. Or you can get one directly from the page below.

Single Payer Health Care Caps:

And here is the one click Facebook page for this same fax action.

Single Payer Amendments Action:

And the Twitter reply to send, to send this message to all your members of Congress that way, is

@cxs #p1020

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at