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It's Time To Blow Obama Out of the Water !

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----- Original Message -----
From: DF
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 6:21 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 It is time to \"blow Obama out of the water\" in order that the world progress as it is intended. He is afraid of not being the President and that is what we want - because he is the worst president that any of the world could know.  We do not want to be a socialist nation - we want to remain with our constitution - but he is moving ahead and doing anything he wants and we are letting it happen.

 The people are arising and the revolution is waiting to happen.  I hope and pray that we do not have a revolution because of innocent lives being lost, but if it must happen, then we the people will bind together and fight for our freedom. Our guns and our constitutional rights will be our defense if he does not abide by the laws provided under our Constituion.

 I am a peaceful person and do not like violence, but I will fight before I let our nation become socialistic under such a poor leader.

 The health bill is an avenue to get us to be a solialistist nation and that is what he wants.

 The letter today from Casper was good to see, and it looks like Obama is the dividing point once more.  I\'m glad the Bush Senior is having an equally bad day as are his Nazi friends.

 We must keep pushing ahead continually for our announcements to happen.

 Casper, and Bellringer, and everyone who participates in this knowledge, thank you all for all you are doing to help in this endeavor, this world needs help and information.  Thank you for providing all.
