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Make Pelosi and Reid Feel the Heat

John Tate President Campaign for Liberty

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From: FM
To: Bellringer
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 10:23 PM
Subject: Fwd: Make Pelosi and Reid Feel the Heat
October 26, 2009

Dear Patriot,

Ben Bernanke and his Federal Reserve bankster cronies must be shaking in their overpriced shoes.

Despite an unprecedented PR blitz...

...Despite the national media’s laughable “official storyline” that the folks responsible for causing the economic crisis have saved us from financial calamity...

...And despite support for the Fed from the political establishment of BOTH parties, Audit the Fed continues to gain steam thanks to your help.

But unless you act TODAY, I’m afraid it could all be for nothing.

You see, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid seem determined to put up roadblocks to our Audit the Fed Bill.

So, like the over 300 Congressmen and Senators who’ve heard your voices and acted, Pelosi and Reid need to feel the HEAT!

That’s why it’s vital you click here to sign your petitions to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid IMMEDIATELY.

As you'll see, these petitions DEMAND that Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid bring Audit the Fed to the floor for a full, up-or-down roll call vote.

The fact is, the longer we wait, the more dangerous this fight becomes.

You and I both know the Fed and its allies will do everything they can to stop Audit the Fed no matter how popular it is with the American people.

Bernanke and his cronies know that should Audit the Fed pass, it will only pave the way for finally ending the Fed once and for all.

That’s because you and I will finally be able to show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to:

*** Constant economic crises -- the housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally-planned interest rates and money manipulation;

*** The destruction of the middle class -- as fuel, food, housing, medical care and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;

*** Currency destruction -- history shows us that riots, violence and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it.

That’s why it’s vital you act TODAY!

If we don’t?  The Federal Reserve will continue to print fiat money out of thin air.

Unemployment will continue to rise.  More bailouts will come.

This is something our country literally cannot afford. Right now, our deficit is $11.7 TRILLION dollars.

And the U.S. Treasury recently auctioned off a record-amount of debt to foreign countries.

News reports show global concerns about the dollar’s future are mounting, and with good reason.

The way things are going, I’m afraid the Federal Reserve along with their big spending allies in Congress could end up causing the economic ruin of every man, woman and child in the country.

In the midst of all this, Ben Bernanke and his Federal Reserve bankster cronies are claiming the need for Fed “independence!”

Indepedence from accountability is what they really mean.

That’s why it’s vital you act IMMEDIATELY.

The good news is, House Committee hearings have been held, and momentum is growing for this vital reform.

Today, Audit the Fed is up to over 300 House cosponsors and 30 Senate cosponsors.

And if you can help me unleash a torrent of political pressure on Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, we could see action on AUDIT THE FED any day.

Can you imagine it?

Sometimes it’s even hard for me to believe how far the R3VOLUTION has come in so short a time.

Of course, Ron Paul started it all.  And thanks to folks just like YOU, Campaign for Liberty has become a political force in Congress.

After all, you know it just as well as I do:

Without our efforts, Ben Bernanke and his cronies at the Fed would have absolutely NOTHING to worry about.

In fact, they’d be sitting pretty right now -- probably laughing at the American people for believing the Fed LIE that capitalism and freedom are to blame for our problems.

Today, thankfully, they have to worry.  But before we start celebrating, you and I do have to realize there’s a long way to go.

As I told you, we’re right smack-dab in the middle of THE MOST dangerous phase of our fight.

And in order to really turn up the heat on Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid, you and I are going to have to pull out all the stops.

Here’s what I have planned:

>>> Jump-start the next phase in our massive mail and phone program to recruit an additional five million supporters for this fight and urge them to contact Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid;

>>> Run TV, radio and newspaper ads targeting Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi, demanding action on the Audit the Fed Bill;

>>> Crank up massive, paid phone banks in the days before the vote to make sure Congress really feels the heat.

That’s why, in addition to your signed petitions, I also hope I can count on you for a generous contribution of $250, $100 or $50.

The truth is, if you and I can just FORCE a vote on Audit the Fed, we win no matter which way the vote goes.

After all, if Members of Congress really want to tell their constituents they “lost track” of trillions of dollars and voted against looking for the money, it’ll be their political funeral.

But you and I have to force that vote.

So please help me turn up the heat on Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid by signing your petitions and by making a generous $250, $100 or $50 contribution.

In Liberty,


John Tate


P.S. It’s vital you and I turn up the heat on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and DEMAND the Audit the Fed Bill be brought to the floor for a full, up-or-down roll call vote.

So please sign your petitions to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid immediately!

And if you can, please also make a generous contribution to Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty of $250, $100 or $50 TODAY!