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FaxDC - ALERT! America Is In Trouble!

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 5:47 PM
Subject:  FaxDC - ALERT! America Is In Trouble!


You've Heard The News, Now Hear The Truth! Are you a Loyalist?

Vile and contemptuous hordes have seized control of Washington and are forcing the American people to their knees, and still, millions of Citizens say nothing!


What's more, the past year, a handful of American Loyalists have struggled to save our beloved nation from the malevolent control of the throng of National Socialists. Everyday the news from Capitol Hill seems to grow worse. The grip of the Spend and Tax ruck tighten on our freedoms, squeezing the life from our veins and stripping the hope from the weak.

Do you understand what this means? The liberal cabal is dancing in delight as they begin to close their sinuous noose around the necks of good-hearted tax paying U.S. Citizens. The struggle is mounting as the rope of national debt tightens, enslaving not only this generation, but also dozens of helpless generations to come.

Sadly, families weep openly as they begin to buckle under the heaviness of national servitude. Our children's children will have to read the banned books of American history to understand that strange term called, Liberty, and clandestinely sound out those forbidden words of freedom.

"If We The People don't hasten and demand the Washington vulgarians to stop their madness, then we shall be the end generation."

Dale Robertson - President and Founder of the Tea Party

In fact, the end generation is the one who painfully watch as the safeguarded freedoms of over 300 years slip into oblivion, disappearing under the tarmac of government dominance and bureaucratic twaddle.

Know this; the end generation will be the last one who will remember what it was like to breathe freely, to speak without fear and to live in confidence believing tomorrow they will awaken to a world filled with endless possibilities.

Think about it, the end generation is horrified by the spectacle of the emptying of America, not just of its people, but also of its dreams, hopes and ambitions.

Trust is replaced with restricted government allowances doled out by a warped and denigrated shell of what used to be a noble Republic.

The simple truth, is the end generation remembers the warnings shouted from the roof tops, displayed on placards and paraded about Washington by the Tea Party, the Minutemen, 912 and numerous other Patriot groups.

The end generation remembers Lincoln's alarm:

"American will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln

All these centuries of warnings and heartfelt call-to-arms, yet apparently all the warnings have fallen on deaf ears, and hollow souls as well.

Will the torment of a people who once proudly carried a flag of glory now wonder if their flag will be sold to the lowest bidder and their pledge turned into a sideshow of dead memories and worthless monuments of bygone days of grandeur?

We The People were born into greatness, because we were born into America, but will our children become those forlorn fools born into bureaucratic slavery?

However, all is not lost! We The People can reverse this horrible blight of National Socialism and save America.

We The People must not allow the Light of Liberty to be extinguished and the hope of freedom to grow dull. The Tea Party shall continue to hold high the torch of self-governance, we declare:

"The greatness of America shines in the darkest time from the most unlikely candlesticks" Minuteman Steve - FaxDC

READ THIS: The Tea Party Leadership and their allies have pledged their Life, Liberty and Sacred Honor to the true foundational beliefs infused into the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and other great American documents. Many Heroes are standing tall on the truths of the Holy Bible and the writings of those who have gone before them.

Do you believe this?

".......this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19, 1863-Abraham Lincoln.

FaxDC stands ready knowing the future of our beloved nation rests squarely upon the shoulders of We The People.

It is the responsibility of all of We The People to insure a continual new birth of freedom, to insure that all we hold dear shall not perish from the earth.

Can you believe this?

Some may say the price of freedom is too costly. Some are willing to put up and shut up, are you one of those kind?

On the other hand, will you believe?

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson

Choose today whom you will serve!

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." Samuel Adams

Are you willing to put up and shut up? Or, stand with us and say: Hell No! I want my Country back!

"The hour is dark for our Republic and the values we have held dear for over 300 years are fading. Now more than ever America needs heroes, men and woman of honor to take their stand for what is right. Are you one of those Citizens of honor?" Minuteman Steve - FaxDC

As you read this, trillions of dollars are being primed to gush from our coffers. The Washington Fat Cats will spend like drunken sailors on a Friday night shore leave. Without rhyme or reason, a tsunami of taxpayer cash is already allocated for unrevealed repositories behind closed doors, readying themselves for the lining of secret pockets belonging to traitorous characters.

"As for me and my house, we shall stand for our American values, for what is right and wholesome."

Dale Robertson - President of

Citizen, without reservation, I am asking you for three things.

1. Keep America in your prayers.

2. Go to FaxDC website and order our Tea Party fax for only $ 20.09! Please read all our stuff, you won't be sorry.

3. Forward this Alert, Tweet it to your friends, share it with Facebook and deploy your Social Networking skills to save America.

ACTION: These are three easy steps you can take now! Just think of it, you can fax all 100 Senators and 435 Members of the House for only $ 20.09 !!!! 2009 is the year America awoke, so FaxDC is remembering that by giving you this special! WOW all 535 members of Congress for only $ 20.09!

Yes, you can make a difference. Don't let this be the "End Generation"

Hey, read our stuff at FaxDC:

Do this now. Tomorrow may be the day after America is gone!

God Bless you and God Bless America