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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 6:06 PM
Subject: :SPAM: FaxDC Declares: Congress Is Trusting A Broken Compass


A word of caution, history is littered with burned-out nations who falsely placated special interest groups. These nations blindly led their trusting Citizens away from the path of self-governance and onto a dead-end street paved with misplaced values and corpses of valiant heroes.

Believe me, the FaxDC Army and the good members of the Tea Party yearn for a common sense approach to the dilemmas facing America. We The People are sickened by the obvious diversion from the time-tested path of the U.S. Constitution to the failed principles of the dead-end street of socialism.

To top it off, the National Health-Care debate, Anti-Gun legislation, the Fairness Doctrine and many other issues are merely symptoms of a deeper crisis. It is my belief that our Representatives have lost their way and are blindly groping, hysterically following their broken compass of socialism.

Many in leadership refuse to listen to the voice of the people, but gladly follow the broken compass of the false values of socialism. They refuse to see their path leads to the destruction of our Republic. The People have little choice but to intervene and insist upon the return to our time-proven compass, the U.S. Constitution.

"I identify with the millions of good-hearted Citizens who travail in anguish as they witness the utter and complete disembowelment of the truths we hold dear. A dolor which need not occur, but for the fact Washington is disoriented by its own self-inflicted wounds." Minuteman Steve

The simple truth is, many Representatives struggle to fabricate the impossible. They are recklessly toiling to create a system greater in scope and nature than originally formed by our Founding Fathers. Instead of a time-tested compass for the People with a true direction for the Republic, their sad corollary is a broken mishmash of failed dead-end ideas.

"The Tea Party represents a voice for the silent, a hope to our nation and a compass to the lost." Dale Robertson - Founder, President of Tea Party

Yes, it's true, We The People must correct these terrible wrongs, mend the breach-of-trust and once again secure our rightful place as the true beneficiaries of our great nation.

Furthermore, in this dark hour for our Republic, we must pledge our Life, Liberty and Sacred Honor to those great principles forged from the human spirit, infused into our great documents and to those magnificent individuals who guarantee our freedom, We The People.

Hang on to your seat! It is time to send a powerful message to Washington and support the Tea Party while doing so.


Tell Washington: Stop Spending Our Money!

It gets even better! Our nation depends on you to send a power fax blast to Washington. Send all 100 Senators and 435 Members of the House a powerful, blistering fax they won't forget.

But guess what? FaxDC is going to help you get this job done. Now, we have our Tea Party Special.

The regular cost for us is $ 57.00 for 535 faxes, BUT, because so many friends in the Tea Party and the 912 Groups are miffed at Washington, we are going to give everyone our rock bottom, below cost of $ 20.09 for 535 faxes!

$ 20.09 for 535 faxes to Washington! You heard me right, all 100 Senators and all 435 Members of the House of Representatives will get a fax from you for only $ 20.09!!!

$ 20.09 for 535 faxes! WOWOWOWOW!

I know what you are saying: Minuteman Steve has gone mad! (He is always mad) BUT, why not cash in on his temporary insanity?

For less then .04 a fax you can BLAST, BLAST and BLAST again Washington with boiling, hot, searing, scorching, baking, sizzling faxes!

How hot is that? FaxDC is celebrating the year America woke up, 2009, so why not take advantage of the cost of $ 20.09 and fax blister the shxt out of Washington!

Of course, let's give them an old fashion fax spanking and send them home to Mama!

Go to FaxDC and read it for yourself!

Don't be a toad on the road or a frog on a log, hop into action!

Be a hero not a zero and help the Tea Party soften up Washington! Send a fax Capitol

Hill will never forget!

Read it for yourself!


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