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J J Johnson Speaks to Senate about Militia (videos)

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From: Rod Remelin
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 10:42 PM
Subject: JJ Johnson speaks to Senate about militia
JJ Johnson speaks to Senate about militia (1 of 3)
JJ Johnson speaks to Senate about militia (2 of 3)
JJ Johnson speaks to Senate about militia (3 of 3)
Senate Terrorism Subcommittee American Militia (1995) 5/10
Senate Terrorism Subcommittee American Militia 1995 2/10
    All Militia groups, are now 100% controlled by the US Corporate Government-- no exceptions, no deviations, and 100% fact. Further, most, if not all so called Patriot organizations in America are funded and ran by Joint Government Task Force, who daily report back to their superiors the goings on within that organization's ranks. US Corp, at this late date, is a cancer which has completely taken over its host -- the body politic. For those thinking they can effect change by joining a Patriot group in America, you had better think again, if ever you did, by thinking you could -- by taking that approach.
    At best your work, and home phone(s), car(s), house's, and underwear will probably be bugged -- at worst you will eventually be setup for some serious jail time, by all the usual Government Sleezeball Agent Provocateurs' hired to get you to fall into their trap. Having seen it first hand, and up close -- that is -- the betrayal and subterfuge routinely carried out by the United States Government, its agencies, sycophants and informants -- the bottom of that  tertiary pond will never be reached, due to the shear numbers of these Cretans trying to out-do each other. Continually plumbing for new depths of despicableness, forever seeking the lowest common denominator of truly loathsome behavior, Armies of these Cyclops have managed to infect every healthy organ there is in American. . . none being spared their infernal toxicity.  
Rod Remelin