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Obama Care Losing Support: Our Ads Are Changing Votes!


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Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 11:40 AM
Subject: Obama Care Losing Support: Our Ads Are Changing Votes!

Your support of our organization has been extremely effective.

In fact, this week key senators are already announcing they are jumping ship from Sen. Reid's push for the radical Obamacare plan and its "public option."

Almost all of these Democratic senators opposing the public option are from states we at the League of American Voters have targeted.

For months we have been running our highly effective ads in these states, ads that were crafted by our chief strategist Dick Morris.

When Harry Reid announced he would try to ram through the Senate a "public option" — he was quickly greeted by jeers from top Democrats.

Leading the pack was Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut who fired back he would join the GOP filibuster and added, “I’m sure I won’t be alone.”

And two Republicans who had been leaning to support Obamacare, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, now say they won't back Reid's radical public option plan.

And another top target of the League’s ad campaign, Arkansas Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln, told her constituents back home, “If it’s government-run or government-funded, I’m going to have tremendous troubles with being able to support moving forward on something like that.”

Her Democratic colleague, Arkansas Sen. David Pryor was at her heels, “I’ll be talking to her throughout this process.”

In Louisiana, Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu now says she’s “skeptical” of Reid’s government insurance scheme.

Clearly, things are moving our way.

Just last week the Senate voted to reject a a scheme called the Medicare “Doctor Fix,” which is basically a $247 billion pay-off to the American Medical Association in exchange for its public support of Obamacare.

But 13 Democrats joined with Republicans to oppose this boondoogle.

The measure would have stopped a planned 20 percent cut in Medicare reimbursement to doctors, placing $247 billion in debt onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.

The Medicare "Fix" plan was key to passing Obama's overall Obamacare plan.

But it failed and in a big way!

Many of the Democrats who voted to oppose the Obama Medicare Fix were in states we have been targeting with TV ads.

It is also important to remember that when we started our efforts this summer — seniors were overwhelmingly in favor of the Obama plan.

Today, polls show that seniors now OPPOSE Obamacare overwhelmingly.

It was a major switch and we played a key role.

Dick Morris says we now must focus on young voters who still back Obamacare.

Dick has done sophisticated polling and discovered that many young voters will oppose Obamacare if they know the real facts about the plan.

That's why Dick is working right now in preparing new ads that we will air on TV and the internet, specifically targeting these young voters.

We need your help to continue this fight.

Please Donate Here Now.

We don't have plush offices and big expense accounts. Your funds have a huge impact because we keep our expenses low and put your money to work by buying ads and educating Americans to the dangers of Obamacare.

With a relatively small amount of money we have had a powerful effect. But we must do more.

Dick says we have two to three weeks to finally stop Obamacare.

We need your urgent help to do this — Go Here Now to Donate

Thank you.

Bob Adams

Executive Director

P.S. A recent study found that groups supporting Obamacare have spent around $50 million. These liberal groups have outspent groups like ours opposing Obamacare by 2 to 1! But here's the important fact: with less money we are winning the debate. We have truth on our side and voters are waking up to the dangers of government-controlled healthcare. Every dollar you donate to the League of American Voters is highly effective in stopping the liberal lies and winning new voters to our cause. We have proven ourselves but we must do more. Please help us today — Go Here Now

Paid for by the League of American Voters. Contributions to the League of American Voters are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from individuals and corporations are permitted by law and welcome.