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CALL FOR ACTION: Opposition To Both The House and Senate Health Reform BillS

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From: ka
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 8:08 AM
Subject:  CALL FOR ACTION: Opposition To Both The House and Senate Health Reform BillS
Well Leon I have to agree with you for the most part. We do need a real national health care plan that covers all Americans. We send billions of dollars in aid to foreign countries who use our money to allow them to give government provided health care to their people while they spend their own money on WMD and military occupations of foreign lands. All to gain access

to or steal their neighbors resources and land. We could better spend all that money right here taking care of our own folks and if we have anything left over we can give it to those who really need the help, charity does begin at home. What is good for all the people is more important than what is good for a few thousand folks involved in the health insurance racket. Their bottom line is not more important than the overall health of our nation/people which is vital to our national security. Corporate interests are not our national interests. HUMMM??? KA

--- In,


... wrote:


Opposition To Both The House and Senate Pending Health Reform

Legislation BillS


The house bill revealed today by Nancy Pelosi was not only a shock but a disappointment for the following reasons:

( l ). It was the hope of many of our U.S. Citizens that the

Single Payer or Medicare for all Public Option Plan was not provided to the American People who were supporting this provision by at least 61% of the American People that included Democrats, Independents, Some Republicans, and also Doctors, To the astonishment of many, all that we can expect from the announced Public Option Plan that was presented to us today is that there would be price negotiations with the insurance companies, over health care costs and insurance monthly premiums. This sounds like a repeat of the Medicare

Prescription Drug Plan that was approved by Bush and some of the same Democrats who are in the Congress and Senate today. We were told that the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan would drive down medication costs, but to the contrary, prescription drug prices have increased to record highs as of the year of 2009.. We should also take into consideration that Negotiations are not a Mandate and does not produce desired or concrete results. We have already witnessed agreements and negotiations in regard to the corporate financial

industry recently and as of today, the American People are no better off financially as they were under the previous Bush Administration.

(2). It has also been reported recently that this so called Health Reform Project will not take place for four more years until the year of 2013 without no Government "Mandated" price control measures in place. This is when the Single Payer or "Medicare for All" Public Option Plan would have been the most productive and positive way to control or provided a check and balance in regard to Health Care Costs through the competition concept contrary to an unenforceable" negotiation process on promises only that may never

become a reality until the year of 2013. The Insurance firms have not negotiated for lower Insurance charges in the past, so where

is the incentive for them to do so now? Negotiations are only a stalling or stonewalling tactic in favor of the corporate insurance firms in this Nation to make the American People believe that their Government is on our side when they are not.If negotiations were

the solution to this Health Insurance problem, this could have been done last January without any Health Care Law through various Federal Agencies.

I also suggest to you that the Single Payer or "Medicare for All" Public Option is NOW established and in place Nationwide, and could be implemented immediately as a means to provide completion and

to control any price increases from the Insurance Firms now rather than FOUR YEARS later. In fact, no on the job training is needed at all to welcome and begin accepting health insurance for those who may need some price relief NOW, not four years from now. Recently

we have heard arguments support health care reform that thousands

or our American Citizen's are dying because of the lack of health care. Should we continue to allow them to needlessly die for another FOUR MORE YEARS??? In addition, the $500 billion that will soon be removed from the Social Security trust fund by our Federal Government to partially finance this One-Sided Health Plan as it now exists today should begin to bring in new insurance customers into the "Medicare" or Social Security System in order to payback this $500 billion dollars soon as possible since Government negotiations with Insurance Firms will not do that.

3 ) I also noted in the House of Representatives press conference this morning that they were going to pass a bill to eliminate the doughnut hole in the previous Medicare Prescription Drug Plan that many Democrats also voted for while Jack Abramoff was passing out donation checks to House Members in the way hours of the morning after holding up the House Vote for almost four hours in order to

get a vote majority to pass this Bush sponsored drug bill. What is ironic about this doughnut hole repeal bill, is that our American Senior Citizens who have paid into the Social Security system are

paying for this legislation reform bill from the $500 billion that the Government has borrowed this sum from Social Security to pay for their present health care plan with NO "Medicare Care for All" Public Option Plan that the majority of the American People approve of whether our Senior Citizen's or the American People like it or not'.


It is time for our American People to get out their pitchforks as our American Ancestor's did centuries ago to correct an existing wrong to make an equitable right for all of our American People. Please contact your Senior Citizen Organizations, Consumer Organizations, The Media - both local and national, Activist Groups, and of course all members of the House and senate in Washington D.C. and also their District Office that are located within