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Congressman Exposes NFL Hypocrisy

The Media Research Center

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From: The Media Research Center
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 9:52 PM
Subject: Congressman Exposes NFL Hypocrisy
From the Desk of:

David Martin, Executive Vice President




It’s nice to see that someone in Washington has a backbone!

Yesterday, during a House Judiciary Committee hearing about football injuries, Congressman Steve King (R-IA) confronted NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell about the double standard he applied to Rush Limbaugh’s bid for franchise ownership compared to other celebrity owners.

Congressman King set the record straight on the lies being told about Rush and told Goodell he owed Rush an apology. Click here to see this exchange.

Incensed by the hypocrisy of the NFL’s position, MRC President Brent Bozell quickly recorded a special video message to you and the rest of the MRC Action Team. Please click here to hear Brent’s personal message and follow his call to action!

+ + Demand the NFL apologize to Rush Limbaugh

Roger Goodell, who said Rush Limbaugh’s “divisive comments” had no place in the NFL, didn’t have any similar concerns when pop stars J. Lopez and Fergie became part owners of the Miami Dolphins, even though many of their songs promote sexual abuse toward women, pornography and drug use. The hypocrisy here is astounding!

This kind of double-standard affects all conservatives, and cannot be tolerated. The NFL’s spineless attacks on Rush are indefensible. Even when the truth was revealed, Goodell refused to apologize, passing up an opportunity to be a man and set the record straight.

That’s why we must take action. Left unchecked and unchallenged, baseless attacks like these will only intensify until the Left has succeeded in silencing us.

I urge you to take immediate action by calling NFL corporate headquarters right now and demanding that Commissioner Goodell publicly apologize to Rush!

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell can be reached at:


We need an intense showing by conservatives—sending a strong message to all that we will not tolerate these kinds of baseless attacks, and we will respond in mass.

When calling, identify yourself and demand Roger Goodell publicly apologize for his destructive statements about Rush.

We want Goodell to feel the heat of a conservative blitz, so after calling, please forward this message to 25-30 friends urging them to view the videos and call as well.

Again, we cannot allow these kinds of hate-inspired attacks to go unchallenged, and we are counting on you to take action and call in the 12-24 hours! Feel free to call multiple times. We want to make sure this message is heard loud and clear!

Thank you for your outstanding support of the MRC.

David Martin

P.S. Please call NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell at (202) 450-2000 right away and demand he apologize to Rush Limbaugh.

P.P.S. Get the whole truth on the lies told about Rush by visiting our TellTheTruth website.

+ +Join Brent on Facebook and Twitter.

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