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Vets Fight in DC to End War in Afghanistan

Robert Greenwald

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From: Robert Greenwald
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 4:55 PM
Subject: Vets Fight in DC to End War in Afghanistan
Vets to Congress: Rethink Afghanistan Now
Next week, five Afghanistan and Iraq War vets will travel to DC to meet with members of Congress and tell them that this war has to end -- but they need your help to get there.

These brave vets will be joined by a true Afghan hero: Malalai Joya, a Parliamentarian who has stood up to the warlords for women's rights and is now standing up for Afghan civilians against this pointless war.

The delegation's focus will be on Representatives who are still undecided on the question of escalation -- those who most need to hear from people who have seen the war firsthand.

When soldiers who have served our country in combat have the courage to say that continuing the war is a mistake, Congress members take notice. When they're standing side by side with an elected representative of the Afghan people, their message cannot be ignored.

This is how we will stop the war in Afghanistan: by giving voices like these a mouthpiece on Capitol Hill. By bringing them face-to-face with the decision makers and telling them exactly what they need to hear.

We need your help to make this happen. We must raise just $5,000 to make this trip possible. Your contribution will cover the travel expenses of these courageous vets who are taking time out of their lives to stop the war.

Please give what you can to ensure that Congress hears their important message.

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