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DIRECT Fax Action To Obama: Renounce A Trigger For Public Health Care

The Pen

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----- Original Message -----
From: "The Pen" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:43 PM
Subject: DIRECT Fax Action To Obama: Renounce A Trigger For Public Health Care
Send A Fax To President Obama To Make Sure The Trigger Is Off The


Dear Friends and Activists,

Just how serious do you think WE are about real policy change? ... To show you, we just made a commitment for a quarter of a MILLION fax minutes, and all we are asking you do to is use them up to make real health care change happen.

Thanks to a burst of citizen activism over the weekend, the momentum is now swinging in our direction for a strong public health care option. But even though Harry Reid today finally promised to bring

forward a partial public option in the Senate, there is no assurance the trigger ruse, intended to make sure none of this ever really happens, won't be revived. In short, we need to speak out now more than ever.

Indeed, there were reports over the weekend that President Obama himself was pushing for the trigger scheme behind the scenes. And not even a relatively progressive senator like Sherrod Brown was willing to declare the trigger a deal-breaker. And that is why we created a brand new dedicated fax server to send your fax direct to President Obama at the White House on this, along with messages to all your regular members of Congress.

Fax President Obama To Renounce The Trigger:

Now that the stonewall against good public health care policy is starting to crack, now is NOT the time to lay back and take it for granted. Rather now is the most important time ever to really pour it

on. Let's flood the White House with more faxes than they've seen in their lives. And when you go through the first 250,000 fax minutes we now control, we'll get more.

And because of the extra expense of sending so many faxes like this, and for maximum impact in that format, we are doing something else we have never done before. In this case there is a pre-drafted petition text we've prepared, calling on President Obama to demonstrate the leadership to renounce the trigger gimmick once and for all, and pressing again for passage of true Medicare for All. You can add your own personal comments if you like as well.

So please go to the page below. Read the petition text. Yes, it's a strong statement, but it is also suitably respectful. And then with one click at no cost to yourself you can send a personal fax to the White House, and the same message to all your members of Congress too.

Fax President Obama To Renounce The Trigger:

The progressive activist community has never had such a robust fax sending capability before. Some of you may have come across right wing sites offering to do a "fax blast" for a charge to you of 25 or

50 dollars PER MESSAGE. We're not charging anything for this. But if you can make a contribution of any amount to help support this work, please pick a wonderful activist gift from the return page after you submit the fax action page.

There you will find the "Single Payer Health Care" caps we are using to demonstrate our ongoing, long term commitment to Medicare for All. Pick up the dramatic peace play on audio CD, featuring an

extraordinary performance by Ed Asner. There is no donation whatsoever required for that one. Just submit the form and we'll send you one. And here is a link direct to the gift page.

All Activist Gifts:

And we have a new "350 ppm" cap to support the worldwide movement to bring carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere back down to a safe and sustainable level. We still have the "Convict Dick & W" caps and we promise we'll keep them in stock until the last statute of limitations runs out. Pick up a pocket constitutions commemorative of Dennis Kucinich's valiant presidential primary run while they last, or the DVD of the Bush/Cheney impeachment play produced last summer as a full stage production.

It's time to swing for the fences. It's time to set our leaders straight once and for all, that public policy must serve the PUBLIC, not just self-serving corporations out to bribe the system. When they tried to take single payer off the table, they were counting on us not jumping up and howling. And when they tried to tell us that some kind of weak impersonation of a public option was the best they could do they were holding their breath that we wouldn't howl about that.

But when we heard this weekend that President Obama himself was favoring and himself pushing for a trigger scheme, designed to make sure no real change of any substance would happen, for a WHOLE lot of people that was the last straw. We're howling now and we're going to keep on howling, louder and louder. And any elected official who

thinks they can just keep ignoring the voice of the people will find out very different in their next primary, if not in the general election.

And here is the one click Facebook page for this action, if you are already active over there.

Renounce A Trigger Action:

And the Twitter reply to send, to send this message to all your members of Congress (and President Obama) that way, is

@cxs #p1016

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

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