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Citizens being silenced in ObamaCare "endgame"?

Steve Elliott, President

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----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 1:13 PM
Subject: Citizens being silenced in ObamaCare "endgame"?
From the Desk of: Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

    As I write, Ron De Jong and dozens of Grassfire friends

    are on Capitol Hill delivering petitions and visiting Senate

    offices. Ron tells me the resistance to our grassroots efforts

    is growing as the healthcare votes near. See below.


Yesterday, Harry Reid announced that his super-secret (yet-to- be-revealed) version of ObamaCare will, in fact, include the public option.

He's trying to re-cast the public option as a state-based program, but don't be fooled. It's still the same government- run system that will increase costs and give the government control of our healthcare. And it's all being done in secret. As one Republican Senator said:

    "It is literally three people, the committee chairman, Harry

    Reid, and somebody from the White House sitting in a

    room in an undisclosed location writing a health care bill

    that no one will get to read."

Now, Nancy Pelosi is pushing harder than ever, calling this the "endgame" of the healthcare debate and trying to re-cast the public option as the "consumer option."

Allow me to translate...

    The final push -- the "endgame" -- for ObamaCare has

    begun under the guise of a "new and improved" version

    that is not new or improved. And they want to keep

    you and me in the dark and locked out of the process.

+ + Congress doesn't want to hear from you!

Reid wants to keep you in the dark so as to avoid a repeat of this summer's backlash to the House bill that erupted in town hall meetings across the country.

In fact, our Communications Director Ron De Jong just told me that he has never seen such resistance to our petitions. It is clear that the Obama-Reid-Pelosi Congress is making it more and more difficult for citizens to get their voice through!

That's why Grassfire is doing something we've never done before...

As a follow up to the petition deliveries, we want to flood Congress with thousands of hand-delivered personal letters from citizens across the nation -- delivered directly to Senate and House offices on Capitol Hill.

    In order to accomplish this goal, we have set up a new

    hand-delivery service that works similar to our fax service.

    You simply write your message (or modify the suggested

    text) and schedule your hand-delivery. In appreciation of

    your gift to Grassfire, our team will make sure that your

    letter is HAND-DELIVERED to your  two Senators,

    your Representative and other key members of Congress.

    Go here to schedule your HAND-DELIVERY:

Again, Congress is trying to shut you and me out of this process. That's why Reid and Pelosi are being so secretive about the actual bill. That's why they are trying to hide the real cost of ObamaCare. That's why they are making it difficult for citizens to deliver petitions!

Please take a moment to arrange to have YOUR message to Congress HAND-DELIVERED. Go here:

Thanks for taking a stand.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. As I write, despite Reid's pronouncements, we still haven't seen a bill! And it's clear they want to shut you out of the process. Our service will get your message through -- hand-delivered directly to your Senators, your Representative and other key members of Congress. Go here:

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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