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Soldier Who Refuses to Return to Afghanistan Leads Thousands on Anti-War March in London

Daily Mail Reporter

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A serving soldier yesterday accused politicians of abusing the trust of the army and serving military personnel.

Lance Corporal Joe Glenton, who is facing a court martial for refusing to return to Afghanistan, made his comments before an anti-war demonstration in central London.

L/Cpl Glenton is leading former colleagues, military families and anti-war protesters in the march, calling for British troops to be brought home.

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Joe Glenton

Message to the PM: Joe Glenton wants Gordon Brown to bring British troops back from Afghanistan



Strong voice: Among the crowd are military families and former servicemen


Joe Glenton

Speaking out: Lance Corporal Joe Glenton (second left) and wife Clare (centre) with Hetty Bower, aged 104 years old

He told protesters at Speakers Corner in Hyde Park that he found it distressing to disobey orders but felt that he had been left with no choice.

He released a statement before the rally which read: 'It is distressing to disobey orders but when Britain follows America in continuing to wage war against one of the world's poorest countries I feel I have no choice.

'Politicians have abused the trust of the army and the soldiers who serve, that's why I am compelled and proud to march with the Stop The War Coalition today.'

Lance Corporal Glenton added: 'I am marching to send a message to Gordon Brown.

'Instead of sending more troops, he must bring them all home. He cannot sit on his hands and wait while more and more of my comrades are killed.'

The centre of London was brought to a temporary standstill as the protesters made their way to Trafalgar Square.

Some of the crowds chanted 'Gordon Brown, terrorist' while others sang 'What do we want, troops out'. Young and old carried banners bearing the slogans 'troops home" and "Afghanistan out'.


Anger: Protesters with home-made banners join the 'Stop the War' demonstration march



On the move: Protesters move through Marble Arch

Jeremy Corbyn MP, vice-chairman of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, said: 'The war in Afghanistan has no clear war aims, is clearly escalating and spinning out of control and can only impact on Pakistan and the whole of South Asia.

'Nato forces have been in Afghanistan for eight years and the result appears to be increased drug production, high levels of corruption and terrible losses of life on all sides, civilian and military.

'Now is the time to change policy and bring the troops home to prevent Nato involving itself in a Vietnam-style quagmire.'

Lance Corporal Glenton joined the march along with Paul McGurk, who left the Army last month because he could no longer support the war.

Also attending was Peter Brierley - father of Lance Corporal Shaun Brierley who was killed in Iraq - who earlier this month refused to shake Tony Blair's hand, saying it had 'my son's blood on it'.

Mr Brierley said British troops needed to be withdrawn from Afghanistan as soon as possible.

He explained: 'They are not doing any good while they are over there.

James Oakland

Fatality: James Oakland of the Royal Military died following an explosion in southern Afghanistan on Thursday

'They need to leave the country to sort itself out. While the British troops are there they are actually bringing in insurgents who are coming in to fight.'

The country's oldest anti-war demonstrator also joined the march.

Londoner Hetty Bowyer, 104, told the crowd: 'I march because I can see no reason for further killing.

'I have walked on every march against us going to war. At my age there is not very much I can do but while my legs can carry me I am going to march.'

The number of British troops killed since operations in Afghanistan began rose to 222 this week following the death of Corporal James Oakland of the Royal Military Police.

Corporal Oakland died in a bomb blast while conducting a search for explosive devices in Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan.

His parents Steve and Christine, brother Daniel and long-term girlfriend Lauren Bowyer said: 'We are immensely proud of James, the person he was and the job that he did.'

'He was a true friend, loving son, grandson, brother and boyfriend, who will be dearly missed and never forgotten.'

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