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Welcome To The Home Of The Ghostfighters

The ghostfighters web site is made up of a group of patriots that are dedicated to fighting for our God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  We feel that our God given rights are gradually, but  increasingly, being taken away from you and us and we use this site to come together to restore and protect them.  If you feel the same way we do, we invite you to come join us in our fight.

We have started our own internet radio station that we will be having nightly broadcast with guest from all over the country that feels the same way we do.  We are putting together a great group of host to gather information and guest for all the shows.  We do have growing pains and it will take a little time to put it all together, but we plan to go slow and do it right.

We have a nice password protected chat room where all members can come together and discuss current events, communicate with each other, chat during the broadcast and have a lot of fun.  This chat room is private because we do not tolerate agitators and we can keep it friendly and a pleasurable place to be.  If you like a nice friendly atmosphere and enjoy being around a group of friendly people, contact Dash and she will get you started.

We have ghostfighters TV; this is new and is at this time being put together.  Hopefully we will have it up and running in the very near future.  Also, you can check out our forum, ghostfighters videos and ghost/mart.  Meet our host; you can see who they are, what their backgrounds are and some may even have a picture of themselves.  We are a growing group and we plan to have lots more to add to this site in the future, so check back from time to time, we're sure to have something interesting for you.

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