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'It's a Matter of Personal Responsibility'

Sancho E. Jones

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From: Sancho E. Jones <>

Date: Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 1:42 PM

Subject: "It's a matter of Personal Responsibility"


Hi All,

Lately I've noticed disturbing trends of People not knowing where their Rights originate from, and they have a lack, or grasp of what personal responsibility entails.

I'll make no bones about what I'm about to say, and it may infuriate many, and to that I'll let the wise words of the Dog Poet speak:

"It seems to me that you have to be honest to see the truth. If you are not honest then your perspective is skewered by your dishonesty and denial. This is why they can’t tell the truth and why a certain portion of the public can’t believe the truth. Every day the magnitude of the lies and the dreadful behavior of the few are being seen more widely and more deeply into."-The Dog Poet

We live in a skewed World as of late where the origins Rights, and the personal responsibility of those Rights has been stripped from Our very being. It was not taken by force, but through subversion, and covet means.

I know attention spans are short with the modern bling, bling, bling World of the television, and the psychological programming of it; so I will try to make this as concise as I can, and give ya'll some good links to take from this.

First, Your Rights weren't given to You by anyone's sacrifice. Any true sacrifice for Rights would fall under the definition of personal responsibility. Rights are ordained in this Natural World, and enumerated all around us in Nature. No, nothing to do with Paganism, or pantheistic mindset, but just observing the Natural World is where Our Rights do originate. We all were, and are being born as individual Sovereigns.

We own everything about Ourselves, and make the decisions regarding Our own lives.... Don't believe me??? Fine, notice no one is making You where sitting currently believe anything Your reading.

Personal responsibility comes into the picture because of the ever increasing need to defend those very Rights We all were born with. Personal responsibility is what helps define boundaries between each other, and each others Rights.

We each have a personal responsibility to defend the Rights as outlined by the grand creator(add whatever slave diety here that You choose) as outlined in the creation there of.

So, what does Your personal responsibility mean that can get a little sticky? Well, should You refrain from Your personal responsibility, then what Right do You have to life? I will answer NONE. See We are the definition of Our Rights, and Our Rights are the definition of us. They cannot be lost, and they cannot be given away; unless You give up the very Right of life; which is the finality of Your Rights.

I know all this might sound complex, but I assure You between digesting what I've said, and reading over the links provided, that You will wake up in the mornings, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that You are what makes Freedom, and Liberty. Not any paper, or what anyone Person tells You. No doubt it is always good to recognize things such as the Bill of Rights; which simply enumerate, or the attempt there of Your Natural Rights; further more to myself the Bill of Rights equates out to many, many Peoples efforts at personal responsibility.

What should You do to exercise Your personal responsibility? How about what these guys did. My good Friend "gatherer" sent me over the link to an open letter to Elite David Rockefeller.

"Acutally, if you could thank Kissinger for us that would be great because it seems that this final lack of self-restraint and all-out abandon to wipe out humanity has finally pulled us together in a common fight like nothing on earth has ever done before. Many of us who have been fighting for the truth for years and have taken the abuse being labelled as crazy or paranoid or conspiracy theorists are, for the first time, seeing a 90% acceptance rate in the belief that you all are conspiring to kill us. Yes, David. It’s really that serious. You didn’t plan for that contingency. Some of us have been saying for quite awhile now, “Don’t be concerned about the sleepers. They will wake up right at the last minute when we need it. This will lull the globalists into a false sense of arrogant complacency.” It seems our instinct is playing out on the world stage at this very moment."

"David, really? Control all food on earth??? And then follow it up with this ridiculous Codex Alimentarius which is supposed to frighten people out of growing backyard gardens? What in the world do you have to gain from such a ridiculous notion??

Well, I guess it’s just as well that you are so insulated that you don’t realize how many people are quickly waking up to the fact that they, as sovereign souls under our Collective Creator, have absolutely no obligation to follow these codes and statutes that sap so much human energy in creating and likewise fighting. It’s just another game. A game of absurd rules put down on paper by corrupted cowardly souls behind closed doors and then delivered to the people as “LAW”.

When you step out of the charade and see it from an objective viewpoint as more and more are doing, it seems so pathetic to watch the others genuinely pleading and begging with their legislators to not pass a certain bill never realizing that the bill, even if enacted, is as flimsy as the piece of paper it’s written on as it doesn’t even apply to them in the first place! If they would just see through the whole charade they wouldn’t waste their energies and it would all dissolve away. You know that too, don’t you, David. You’re terrified people will find it out. That’s why you label people who are intent on reclaiming their freedom as terrorists."

Also, here is a free book called, "The Global Sovereign's Handbook" the link is here, and I would recommend it as it is free, and available as a PDF:

Learn this stuff. All You have to do is look outside, and the true PURE definitions become self evident. What should You do in exercising personal responsibility???? I'll leave the answer to that question with these words:

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -Patrick Henry

All in all everyone needs to start realizing the necessity of Personal Responsibility; as the "Winds of Change" truly are on the way; stand up.

