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Urgent Amendments Pending: Single Payer Lives

The Pen

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----- Original Message -----
From: "The Pen" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:13 AM
Subject: Urgent Amendments Pending: Single Payer Lives
Speak Out To Support The Members Of Congress Still Fighting For Us On

Health Care

After an anti-heroic 6 month campaign by Congress to avoid  confronting the real problem in any meaningful way, that insurance  company overhead and outlandish, undeserved profits are bleeding our  health care system to death, the headline read, "Get ready to pay  more for your health coverage."

But elsewhere the headline also read, "Public option backers fight  on." Because there ARE valiant members of Congress who are still  fighting for good public policy, Anthony Weiner with an amendment to  substitute HR 676 for the core of HR 3200, the Kucinich amendment to  allow states to implement their own single payer plans, and the  Sanders (S 703) amendment on the Senate side. Any or all of these  amendments can and WILL pass if only we speak up in sufficientnumbers. Please make your voice heard today.

Single Payer Amendments Action Page:

Now let us be clear, any so-called "public option" short of true  single payer is just an exercise in seeing how much they can cripple  any actual remedy. Single payer is the ONLY strong public option. But  in the meantime the latest word from the White House is that  President Obama "prefers" a public option, but is not going to demand  it. So what is this all about, "change we would prefer," or something  like that? Would the American people have elected a candidate with  the slogan, "Change we would prefer?" We think not.

So who is going to demand it? Who IS going to stand up and fight for  REAL change? . . . And the answer is the same as it has always been,  we the people. Because unless we the people make our voices heard,  and unless we keep speaking out regardless of how many defeatist  sirens in the corporate media try to persuade us to lay down our  tongues without a fight, none of our champions can prevail alone.

And it looks like at least some semblance of a robust public option  may come out of the House, and only because of the pressure we have  applied with our voices already, mind you. But of course corporate  forces will try to get that compromised away yet further in the  Senate. So our message to our House members is this, "We will hold  you accountable if the FINAL bill does not contain a STRONG public  option."

Single Payer Amendments Action Page:

It is not enough for them to just cast a vote in their own chamber  and say, "Well, gosh we tried." No, we expect our House members to  actually fight for us, to stick to their guns and not just roll over

at the finish line. Because of one thing you can be sure, the  American people at large will hold them accountable in the end.

If the Baucus bill looks like it was written by the Republicans, it's  because, surprise, surprise . . . it was. The Democrats have the  votes to pass ANYTHING they really want. But they have bent over

backwards so far to try to appease the obstructionist Republicans  whose votes they will never get, not to mention their own corporate  handlers, that we now have a Republican bill that the Republicans

themselves can disown. So when the American people finally wake up to  how much the Baucus bill is a corporate slanted con job, they will  vent their wrath on the Democrats and the Republicans take their  seats back. Pretty slick, huh?

But they can't get away with any of this stuff unless we are silent,  unless they think they can get away with fooling us. So speak out and  keep speaking out, so they know the people are paying attention this  time and will NOT be fooled. We may have to fight this state by state  for many years. We have been fighting this fight so many years  already. We're not going to stop now.

And here is the one click Facebook page for this action.

Single Payer Amendments Action:

And the Twitter reply to send, to send this message to all your  members of Congress that way, is

@cxs #p1013

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed  to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

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