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Web Warriors (Updated Oct. 22, 2009)

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----- Original Message -----
From: Sa
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 8:38 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

I thought you might like this.  Feel free to use it should the content prove worthy

Best Regards,


Hi to all Web Warriors.

Huh? Yes, everyone who speaks out by \"typing out\" against the oppressive tyranny of the New World Order is a Web Warrior.

Make no mistake our kind of warrior is extremely important. No matter how small of space your words take up, should you think people not notice, you\'re wrong; people do notice. Our words do matter. They spin the world, they make it go round, and that is for real.

The New World Order uses words to twist perceptions, and realities of the masses on a whim; which they used to do fairly easily before the age of the Internet, but now the truth can echo for almost an infinity inside of this little virtual reality; it reverberates into the physical world. We now have the power to call the elite almost immediately on their lies; which faster than ever before are being seen as contradicting.

See folks, the battle we wage each time we punch one key, and then another, and another is the battle for our Hearts, Minds, and Liberties; these three things are what the Elite prey on like exquisite parasites living off of their host; which had no clue until now. They are pros, and have used their skills of manipulation for generations, upon generations to twist the very Hearts, Minds, and Souls of what they consider their serfs.

All in all, every time we \'out\' one of their lies a little quicker than they\'d like, it changes things; it alters the public perception from what they had intended.

It is through our action on this very World Wide Web that is making the difference. Because of our actions, their intent has become clear for what it is: Evil, whispering persuasion in the ears of many many innocent peoples.

Everyday there are more Web Warriors, our numbers have grown exponentially, but we need more; we need YOU! How many here realize the risks taken by the early pioneers of the information revolution by speaking out? I did a long time ago, and it is one reason I started writing; as I realized the more of us there are, the less anyone of us have to fear being silenced.

I would urge every single one of you who reads this to try writing at least once a week; somewhere, anywhere just as long as you get the truth out there.

Make your voice heard, and be the Web Warrior that you are. This is no joke, it\'s very serious; beyond many people\'s comprehension. Make no mistake the impact of our words saves lives.



#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: MC
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 2:40 PM
Subject: Hello, Central! Web Warriors
Anne and Patrick Bellringer,

Hello, Central! Web Warriors

Thank you for posting the message from 'SA' about Web Warriors. Thank you 'SA' for such an inspiring message!

I have really been down in the dumps lately because of the apparent success of 'The Never Pay' campaign of the criminals in charge and still at large. While I know our success is imminent, it is very tough going through the daily gyrations of the dark desperately trying to cling to power anyway possible. 'SA's Web Warrior message reminded me how each of us plays a part, no matter how small to contribute to the greater good of all. It gave me new hope and determination to continue my small effort.

I accept 'SA's suggestion to get out there and write something every week on the Internet. I am hopeful that other people will also take up the cause and let their voices be heard.

For this week I have decided to update an article I wrote for Fourwinds10 last December about Obama's eligibility to be pResident. I hope more people will become involved in this issue and register a complaint with the US Postal Service. This is a no cost way for individuals to officially make their voices heard by the government. Since the postal service bases investigations on number of complaints, we have the power to force an investigation.

I wish more people will take some time to think and dream about the future by participating in the Projects. Positive ideas and plans for a bright future are certainly a great subject to write about and send give us renewed hope for the future!

I am grateful to you, Anne and Patrick, and to all of our 'Warrior's for all you do!

Thank you!
