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More Questions For Congress

James Wilson Assistant Communications Director DownsizeDC

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From: Downsizer Dispatch
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2009 11:33 AM
Subject: More Questions For Congress

Two weeks ago, we asked you to write Congress about the Constitutionality of the War on Drugs. Some in Congress responded, but none answered our questions.

Even so, we must keep asking such questions. The more we ask, the more nervous Congress will become. Eventually, they will be forced to either answer our questions or admit publicly that they don't care what the Constitution says.

We believe Congress's refusal to answer our questions underscores the need for the Enumerated Powers Act (EPA). We urge you to demand that Congress pass this bill.

Since we last resported on the EPA in September, the House has increased the number of co-sponsors from 48 to 52, and the Senate increased its co-sponsor list from 21 to 22.

You can find House co-sponsors of the EPA here.

And co-sponsors of the Senate version are here.

If any of your House or Senate representatives has co-sponsored the bill, send them your congratulations and urge those who haven't to do so.

In my personal comments, I also asked more questions . . .

"Two weeks ago I asked you about the Constitutionality of the War on Drugs, and you haven't answered my questions. But the issue is larger than drugs. Congress is considering legislation that affects what food people can grow on their own land. Congress is also considering legislation that can force people to purchase health insurance against their will.

Do people not have a natural right to control their own person and property?

Article I, Section 8 empowers Congress to regulate commerce between the states and with other nations, but I see no provision that empowers Congress to control my life and property directly. Do you think I'm incorrect? Maybe I am. But if so, how?

If Congress presumes to tell us what to do with our own lives, shouldn't it at least cite where it gets the authority to do so?

The Enumerated Powers Act is not a complicated proposal. If you believe the bills you support and sponsor are Constitutional, EPA won't be a problem. That's because all it requires is for Congress to specify the constitutional authority for the laws they pass.


But the longer you dodge these Constitutional questions, and the longer you avoid sponsoring the Enumerated Powers Act, the more I'll be forced to conclude that you believe most bills you support are unconstitutional."

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James Wilson

Assistant Communications Director

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

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