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ObamaCare: Let the Backroom Deals Begin

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

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 ----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 6:11 PM
Subject: ObamaCare: Let the Backroom Deals Begin
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Should we be surprised that the chief architects of ObamaCare are secretly sequestered somewhere in some Congressional office merging two terrible healthcare bills into one?

Of course not. In this administration nothing is done in light.

Even the very liberal Washington Post is raising an eyebrow, wondering aloud why President Obama, who promised transparency and even televised discussions so "people can see" what is going on, has taken everything underground so the American people (who don't want this bill) can't angrily react to:

-- A gutting of Medicare Benefits.

-- Skyrocketing insurance premiums.

-- Soaring tax hikes.

-- Health care rationing.

In Obama-nation, we are merely subjects to be ordered around and told what to do...

Well, I'm not living in Obama-nation. I'm living in the United States of America, and I'm not going to sit silently while some community organizer and his liberal cohorts turn their backs on me while destroying my nation!

++ Emergency Petition Delivery to EVERY Senate Office!

Our sources tell us the bill could be completed as soon as the end of this week. That's why I am announcing an emergency petition delivery to EVERY SENATE OFFICE next Tuesday (Oct. 27).

         For this delivery, I'm putting the call out to

         members of the Grassfire and ResistNet teams to

         help me deliver petitions opposing ObamaCare to

         each of the 100 Senators on Capitol Hill.

         As I prepare this update, 41 team members have

         already committed to taking part. Patrick,

         if you'd like to be a part of these presentations

         don't wait...

Click here and let me know I can count on you:

For those who cannot make the trip, I need you to use the days leading to this historic presentation to help me reach, rally and mobilize 750,000 citizen petitions.

Right now we are about 200,000 petitions shy of this incredible goal, but as in the past, I believe your committed help over these next several days will push usto and potentially past this monumental number.

We have to. It's that simple. I know what we are up against, and I refuse to give in--period!

         Forward this message to 35-40 friends--young and old--

         those who stand to be the hardest hit should ObamaCare

         become a reality, and demand they take action with you

         by signing our petition.

Click here to sign:

With so much at stake, it's not good enough to forward just one message. No. I need you to forward this and other messages each and every day. Stoke a grassroots fire in the belly of your friends, even talking them through the sign up process if necessary.

That's how important this presentation is.

This could be the last opportunity we have to make our collective voices heard prior to this bill coming to the Senate floor, and it is imperative that our opposition to this socialist

health care bill reverberates through every office, every hallway, and every nook and cranny in every Senate building come Tuesday!

Again, if you want to join Ron De Jong and me in this amazingpetition delivery next week, click here for more information:

Otherwise, stand with us by rallying friends and family toweigh-in and sound off against ObamaCare.

As always, thanks for standing with Grassfire!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: Be sure to check with for additionalresources and the latest news!

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacyorganization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong networkof grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a realimpact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to arenot tax deductible.

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