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Surge pushes 'pink slips' past 3.5 million


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From: WorldNetDaily
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 10:40 AM
Subject: Surge pushes 'pink slips' past 3.5 million
Members of Congress praise campaign to alert representatives
WASHINGTON – A new surge has pushed the total number of "pink slips" heading toward members of Congress past 3.5 million, just after a second member of that institution issued a ringing endorsement of the effort.

More than 3.5 MILLION pink slips have been ordered
            and processed
So far, more than 3.5 MILLION pink slips have been ordered and processed. Send yours today.
"Ultimately it is the private citizen who is the final judge on the success or failure of the government," said Rep. Todd Akin, R-Mo. "The 'pink slip campaign' serves as a good reminder of the unavoidable fact that every member of Congress answers to their constituents and that they ignore their voices at their own peril."

Earlier, a Minnesota congresswoman had offered her support for the program.

"The pink slips program is a great way to get the attention of members who have forgotten they will have to answer to the people next year on out-of-control spending and Washington power grabs," Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., said. "I support it! And I want my constituents to know I hear them loud and clear."

WND launched a program about three weeks ago allowing Americans to send individually addressed "pink slips" to every member of Congress for a price of just $29.95. To date, the total has passed 3.5 million. Many of the "pink slips" are just arriving, after being delayed for delivery by Capitol mailroom authorities because of the sheer volume.

The "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign reminds members of the U.S. House and Senate that they could be facing the reality of a "pink slip" as early as 2010 if they vote for more spending, socialized medicine, cap and trade legislation and hate crimes.

Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, says the message should be clear enough for members of Congress.

"Imagine the impact it can have on members of Congress – House and Senate – when they begin getting thousands of 'pink slips' warning them away from more spending, more power grabs and more infringements on individual rights," says Farah. "I believe this campaign, already tremendously successful beyond my wildest expectations, can have a real impact on politicians whose first priority is getting re-elected."

Piles of pink slips headed to Congress

"I think this might be our last chance to give congressional Democrats something to think about before they destroy the country," said Farah. "It might be our last, best hope of stopping the madness."

The effort clearly reveals, says Farah, "that Americans are mobilized to take action to stop Washington's plans for bigger, more expensive and more intrusive government."

Send your pink slips to every member of the House and Senate now.

So far, more than 3.5 MILLION pink slips have been ordered and processed. Send yours today.
The "pink slips" specifically warn that senders will oppose in the next election any member of Congress who votes for more spending, intrusive legislation that restricts personal freedom and more big government programs.

WND announced the "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign with a stated goal of 5 million notices, individually addressed, personalized with sender's name and address and delivered to all members of Congress by Fed Ex.

In the first week, suppliers of paper to the campaign reported the campaign had completely tapped the nation's supply of 8.5 x 11 inch pink paper. As the last full pallet of pink paper was delivered to the printer, new supplies had to be ordered and manufactured.

"It's our version of a stimulus program," said Farah.

The idea was conceived by Janet Porter of Faith2Action and a WND weekly columnist.

"We set a goal of 5 million pink slips to members of Congress," she said. "It looks like we were too conservative in our projections. We will likely surpass that goal. I'm sure this has never been done before – and we're just getting started. This is unprecedented. It's a new record for getting the attention of Congress in such a short span of time."

"There is a revolution brewing across this country," said Porter. "People are angry about losing their country and they are ready for action. This campaign is just the latest evidence."

The "pink slip" each official will get is a reminder that they work for the taxpayers. Each is individually printed with the sender's contact information under the closing salutation "Signed, Your Employer:"

The warning lists four key issues that are deemed unacceptable to program participants:

Send an urgent warning to every member of Congress to remind them you're watching. Click here.
  • government health care
  • cap and trade
  • "hate crimes"
  • any more spending
"If you vote for any of these, your real pink slip will be issued in the next election," it warns.

"We encourage citizens to take individual actions," said Farah. "But when we act as a group, it's more cost-effective and the results more dramatic. Just try Fed Exing members of Congress yourself and see what it costs. We have learned from past experience that Fed Ex actually ensures delivery to members. What they do with them at that point is their choice."

The cost of each message translates to six cents per message – individually addressed for both the recipient and the sender and shipped by Fed Ex.

The "Send Congress a Pink Slip" program permits participants to Fed Ex 535 individually addressed pink slips to members of Congress, each one with the name and address of the sender for just $29.95.

"This is a program that only works with massive numbers of participants that bring paper and printing and shipping costs way down," explains Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, which has conducted similar programs in the past - this one being the largest and most ambitious.

Farah and Porter say the campaign will continue indefinitely.

Note: If you're a member of the media and would like to interview Joseph Farah or Janet Porter, e-mail WND.

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