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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 10:34 PM
Subject: :SPAM: Send a pink slip to Congress!


We The People are sick and tired of the lame-brained, goofball antics of the Washington Fat-Cats. We have sent millions upon millions of e-mails, postcards, letters, faxes, but we didn't stop there... nearly 2 million of us marched on Washington but to no avail.

Get this, the liberal hordes think they can just take over our government for their own enrichment and outlandish purposes. We The People say: NO MORE!

Read this, It's going to be a cold day in HELL before We The People submit to the National Socialist agenda. It is time to put them on notice!

O.K., If the scallywags refuse to do the will of the people we will fire them and send them back home to mama.

Can you believe it?

National Health-Care! Gun Grabbing! Silencing Talk Radio! Silencing Free Speech! Funding Unborn Genocide! Trillions of Bailout Bucks to Wall Street Flim-Flam Artists! Trillions to Mortgage Moguls! Unlimited Funding for ACORN!

No Obama Birth Certificate and no reason why!

Enough is enough!

Minuteman Steve says; "FIRE THE BASTARDS!" (Please quote me)

Nevertheless, what have they accomplished? The Liberals' inability to push their agenda is a little shocking. The Democrats have a superior majority with 60 votes in the Senate domination in the House.

Yet, the Washington numskulls have thus far failed to deliver on a Health-Care public option or deploy any significant legislation. Their legislative priority for the labor movement is sorry, i.e., the Employee Free Choice Act. Not to mention, immigration reform has been put on the back burner for at least the rest of 2009 and well into 2010. Why do you think the important potentates haven't considered big budget issues? The answer is very simple, because We The People are getting in the way!

Go figure!

Sure, they passed an economic stimulus Bill, which demonstrates their ability to spend our money, but it's not clear how effective it's going to be in creating new jobs. Ok, Ok, Ok! The left-wing radicals filled an empty chair on the Supreme Court but didn't gain leverage because all they did is replace one bleeding heart liberal judge with another.

However, some liberal brain child thought all they had to do is change the name of the war on terror but, that went over like a lead balloon and fell flat on it's face.

As if that's not enough, the impotent, diseased political establishment then tried to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, and rebuke President Bush's long standing internal security strategies, but once again couldn't muster up a better idea, so that too went nowhere. The peacenik's reduced some troops in Iraq but increased the troop presence in Afghanistan and by doing so have hit a mental brick wall and are now paralyzed on what to do in Afghanistan.

Get this, the President safaried to Copenhagen, Denmark, to arm-twist the Olympics for Chicago, Illinois, and came up with a big fat zero. Not only did Obama fail to deliver, he failed to have Chicago considered beyond the first round of voting. Is it because Chicago is known for it's corruption?

Heck, Obama is becoming a joke! He may get nothing from the very Congress who, just a few short months ago, were lauding he was their savior. It seems like they are crucifying all his big dreams for change! The sad part is, his very own party is running the show, just on vote alone!

Listen to this, he and his buddies will start pulling their lame-brained strategies together the closer they get to the 2010 elections. Why? So they can go back home with bragging rights.

The real problem is We The People have discovered what these scallywags are up to and they scamper in the light of day. Is it about time to tell them this is their last term? Isn't it time to send them back home to Mama?

Hey, let's send them a PINK SLIP. Put them on notice before they can get their shxt together! Look, we are stopping them from enacting any kind of poisonous legislation but our time is running out! We must send them a PINK SLIP and tell them NO WAY, they have done enough damage and We The People are going to Un-elect them.

We have the power! You know FaxDC sent 1,000,000 faxes in July, over 500,000 in August, 600,000 in September and we are on schedule for another 6 to 700,000 faxes in October. Not to mention the volume of Postcards to the White House and the personal letters to President Obama. That's got to hurt their ego's.

How kool is this, FaxDC is not alone. We are making powerful allies across America. The founder of the Tea Party is coming on board with Minuteman Steve as a fellow hell raiser!

How kool is that? Nevertheless, with all our success, the fight has just begun.

The secret is out! FaxDC has done it again! Our team of top brain-surgeons have created: Operation: PINK SLIP!

Operation: PINK SLIP will fax a hot, hard-hitting blistering PINK SLIP to all 100 Senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives, WAMO!

We're not done yet, then we are going to send Mr. I'm the President Obama his own personal PINK SLIP! This is a humdinger! It cooks anyone who is anti-American in Congress. Sidewinders, floor-flushers, scallywags and politically diseased politicians will be unable to escape their PINK SLIP!

In fact, when Harry Reid, Diana Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Washington horde get their PINK SLIPS they very well could scream, thrash about shaking their fists and be royally miffed! How kool is that!

Think of it, HOT, BLISTERING PINK SLIPS flooding Washington, reaching into every office of Congress, knee deep on the floor, pouring out of fax machines and best of all laying face-up on the desk of the President! WOW! Hot, cooking blistering faxes, piled on the desk, spilling over onto the floor, a mountain of faxes flowing out into the hallway, drawers bulging with simmering PINK SLIP faxes.

Ouch! Liberals are running scared like scalded cats, afraid to stick their sour mugs out into the daylight. They never know when they are going to be sent a another searing pile of hot PINK SLIP faxes. All I can say is: "Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!" Minuteman Steve

That's' not all, now we are going add more power. Not only are the numskulls facing offices filled with mountains of PINK SLIP faxes, but they are about to face more and more Tea Party Heroes! As FaxDC teams up with the Minutemen, and now adds the power of Tea Party Heroes from our voices will be earth shattering!

Just think, just 3 short years ago my buddy and I didn't even know if this thing called FaxDC would work, and now here we are shaking the glass foundation of Washington and toppling the liberal oligarchy.

No wonder the Washington liberals are running around like cats with their fur on fire!

What do you say we turn up the volume? Let's Fax Hammer Washington just one more time, you know, for old time's sake!

Let's give them the fax spanking they so deserve. Let's melt down their fax machines and use up all their paper!

Are you with me? Here is what you do, first of all,

1. Read all of our stuff on the website:

2. Get informed, then go and

3. Order the Operation: PINK SLIP fax and letter:

You're not done yet.

4. Make a copy of your PINK SLIP fax and show it to your friends!

(Over a 6 pack of course) and get them to visit our site!

Okay, that's how we create Patriots! And you can have fun in the process. Hey folks, I'm a Minuteman not a HolyMan! So are you with me? Stop being a frog on a log or a toad on the road, read our stuff, get an education and then fax blast the hell out of Washington, you'll feel like a million bucks when your done!

O.K. here are the important links:

Don't' forget this one:

Our Founding Fathers would be so proud of you. You know they don't like the National Socialist Agenda either! Whose side are you on? We The People know how to fix America, not a bunch of lame-brained, politically diseased, scallywags pretending they are in charge. Oh Please, We Rule!

O.K. get to the site now and I'll be seeing you at FaxDC.