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Afghan Refugees get relief, thanks to you

Robert Greenwald

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From: Robert Greenwald
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:53 AM
Subject: New Video: Afghan Refugees get relief, thanks to you
This summer, Brave New Foundation supporters did something extraordinary: in response to one of our videos, you gave $15,000 to Afghan refugees in need of food and blankets.

Recently we received video footage of the provisions purchased with that money being distributed in an Afghan refugee camp. We thought it was worth sharing with you.

Watch the video.

Your support showed Afghan civilians the best of the American spirit. It is through acts like these, not through bombing villages, that we can improve the conditions of life for the Afghan people. And by chiseling away at anti-American sentiment in the region, it is through acts like these that we can improve our own security.

America can do more for the Afghan people and for ourselves through generosity and compassion than through violence. We've made an impact on one group of refugees, but it will take a change of policy to help all of Afghan society. Congress needs to act, and it can start by holding hearings on civilian alternatives to the failed military approach to Afghanistan.

Sign our petition. When we reach 100,000 names, we will bring it to the Capitol and demand that hearings be held on alternatives to war.


Robert Greenwald

and the Brave New Foundation team

Watch the video