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Gary Chadwick

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----- Original Message -----
From: "gary chadwick" <>
To: "Mary Neal" <>; "MARY HILTON" <>; "Martin, Lydia - Miami" <>; "Pinkney Freddie" <>; "newsdesk" <>; "newsdesk" <>; "news" <>; "Free Press Media Reform Daily" <>; "CLG News" <>; "wfornews" <>; "wtvjdesk" <>; "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" <>; "wrlgreen1" <>; "online media that works!" <>; "Anthony D. Romero, ACLU" <>; "PCC" <>; "Kamau" <>; "Dawn Kramrech" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:55 PM
Subject: Current Events

I just thought I would fill you in on some of the current events in my life. At 12:30 am this morning  10/14/09.    I had a North Miami Beach Police unit come to my house shinning their SPOTLIGHT into my windows. And drive on. Something that has been done more than once before. I called the Police Department and asked who the Sargent on duty was,and told them what happened. They said it was a Sgt. Williams. I asked them to have him give me a call and left my number. I haven't received a call as of yet. I also called the Chief of Police Rafael Hernandez and left a message with my number. No return call yet. As I sit here looking through two broken windows due to attacks , I wonder WHY I never get a call returned when it comes to things like that. I have more than ten calls into the City Manager:  Pastor Kelvin Baker. No return calls as of yet. I know what I think. What do you think? Please forward on so others suffering from similar situations know they aren't alone. Also, I made a complaint to The Police Complaint Center/ in Washington D.C. several years ago due to instances even much more serious than that.  The City Manager's office said they never received it.   Imagine That,  Gary Chadwick   North Miami Beach, Florida     United States of America