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Why Can Foreigners Do What You Can't?

Jim Babka, President DownsizeDC

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From: Downsizer Dispatch
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 10:49 AM
Subject: Why Can Foreigners Do What You Can't?

Media Alert: Today (Friday), Jim Babka returns as a guest on Straight Talk w/ Jerry Hughes, 3:05 PM Eastern time (2:05 PM Central, 1:05 PM Mountain, 12:05 PM Pacific). Details are available at this blog post.

This week the UK Independent newspaper reported that a host of countries are planning to abandon the use of Federal Reserve Notes, for oil purchases.

You should ask Congress to give you the same option for your own transactions. Otherwise, you risk losing everything you've worked for.

Send another letter to Congress asking them to repeal the legal tender law that forces you to do business ONLY in Federal Reserve Notes. In your personal comments use the latest news about countries dropping the dollar for oil transactions.

Here's what I wrote in my letter to Congress . . .

Several countries are making plans to stop using Federal Reserve Notes for oil purchases. I want the same freedom for my personal transactions.

The Fed has nearly doubled the money supply since last Fall. This will cut the future value of my savings in half and send my cost of living through the roof. Add to that . . .

* The $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare

* Your big bailout schemes,

* Your so-called stimulus package,

* Your cap and trade boondoggle,

* Your disastrous healthcare plans, and the result is . . .

I see no hope for the dollar. You guys have ruined our currency, and I WANT OUT.

If foreigners can stop using Federal Reserve Notes, I should have the same freedom. Why should foreigners have more right to control their own economic destiny than I do?

Many in Washington claim they want to protect the Fed's independence. What about my independence? I just want you to repeal the legal tender law so I can use forms of money other than Federal Reserve Notes (like gold and silver for instance). Doing this would also moderate the Fed's behavior. If they want me to keep using Federal Reserve Notes then they'll have to stop their legalized counterfeiting activities. 

Please represent me. Break the Federal Reserve's money monopoly. Give me the same right that foreigners have.

You can send your own letter to Congress using's Educate the Powerful System.

Jim Babka, President, Inc.


* A news report on plans to stop using the dollar for oil purchases

* The Federal Reserve's report on the expanding size of the money supply

* Brother Can You Spare a FRAUD? (Federal Reserve Accounting Unit, the Dollar)

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