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Exposing Senator Reid's Plan to Sneak Through Health Care Takeover

The Media Reserach Center

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From: The Media Research Center
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 7:55 PM
Subject: Exposing Senator Reid's Plan to Sneak Through Health Care Takeover
From the Desk of:

David Martin, Executive Vice President



This bill is going to be rubber stamped and sent straight to the President, and no one is going to know what’s in it

Patrick H.,

Brent Bozell appeared on “Fox & Friends” this morning, and dropped a health care bombshell broken by MRC’s own

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid plans to sneak a mystery health care bill through Congress and to the President with no debate and no public scrutiny …

And the most reprehensible aspect of Reid’s expected move—the bill will be written in some back room in the Capitol, and no one will know what’s in it until it becomes the law of the land. Just like the “stimulus” bill!

What we do know is that it will be a trillion-dollar experiment with drastic cuts in Medicare, massive tax increases, and more ways for the government to make your personal health care decisions for you.

Patrick H., this is utterly outrageous!

We are urging ALL members of the MRC Action team to view Brent’s appearance and then take immediate action by signing our national petition demanding the media report the truth about healthcare.

Transparency, accountability, responsibility?

The only change President Obama brought to Washington has been his “Chicago-style” politics, and the liberal media are either repeating his talking points or sitting silently in the shadows.

Patrick H., as a vital member of our team, you’ve come to trust the MRC as a key source of truth about these underhanded, shadowy efforts to push socialized health care down the throats of the American people …

But what about your friends and family?

Are they being held prisoner by a liberal media that are acting more like a PR firm for this administration than an actual trusted source of information?

Free them with the un-biased truth, and share with them stories like the two below that can’t be found anywhere in the so-called "mainstream" media. Both of these stories reveal the dark truth about Reid’s plan—a plan the liberal media refuse to report!

Reid ‘Likely’ to Make Entire Health Bill an Amendment to Unrelated Tax Bill That House Passed in March

Hoyer Won't Rule Out Voting on Senate Health Bill Without Changes and Sending it Directly to President

Share this secret plot with your friends and family and encourage them to take immediate action against the deceptive practices of the media by signing our "Demand the Media ‘Tell the Truth!’ About Government-Run Health Care”petition.

Patrick H., I'm calling for ALL members of our team to sign our petition, and then forward this critical update to 30-40 of your friends who are being misled and kept in the dark by the leftist media. Urge them to watch Brent’s bombshell video, learn more by visiting and TAKE ACTION by signing our petition.

Thank you for taking immediate action with the MRC for truth in the media.

David Martin

P.S. Send this to your family and friends and encourage them to sign our health care petition.

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