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Help Us Send A Call to Conscience

Georganne Chapin, Intact America

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From: Georganne Chapin, Intact America
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 2:14 PM
Subject: Help us send a call to conscience

Dear Patrick,

Since Friday, you may have received multiple copies of a message we had sent to you last Thursday about the upcoming AAP and AAFP conferences. A technical glitch at our email provider was responsible for sending these duplicate messages. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for all of your support as we work together to protect baby boys. This is a critical time to get the message to doctors and decision-makers that circumcision is unnecessary, harmful, and ethically wrong.

Best Regards,




Intact America

Dear Patrick,


Help us send a call to conscience to the medical community.

Send a message to the AAP and AAFP opposing a recommendation of circumcision for baby boys.

As the trusted advisors of expecting parents, doctors play a key role in educating people about circumcision, yet many of them never mention the ethics, risks, or harms. As we continue our work to protect baby boys, now is an especially critical time to reach out to pediatricians and family doctors.

Why now? Because the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) are considering an unprecedented recommendation of circumcision for all baby boys in the United States.

Send a message to the AAP and AAFP today – and tell them you oppose a recommendation of circumcision for all baby boys.

In less than two weeks, Intact America will be on the ground at the AAP and AAFP conferences, where we'll educate medical professionals and fight misinformation.

Our message to the AAP and AAFP is clear. Circumcision is WRONG – ethically, morally, and medically.

We need you to add your support NOW, so we can make sure that the AAP and AAFP don't ignore the ethics of performing unnecessary and unjustifiable surgery on babies. Because when parents turn to doctors for information about circumcision, doctors turn to the AAP and AAFP.

Tell the AAP and AAFP today that you oppose a recommendation of circumcision for all baby boys.

It's hard to overstate what's at stake here for baby boys.

Thank you, again, for all that you do.

Georganne Chapin

Executive Director, Intact America

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