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You should accuse Congress of fraud

Perry Willis Communications Director DownsizeDC

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From: Downsizer Dispatch
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 11:38 AM
Subject: You should accuse Congress of fraud

We're all exhausted by the healthcare debate, but our exhaustion is dangerous. Congress may exploit our fatigue to pass a bill that will change your life forever! Do not relent . . .

Send Congress another letter opposing the boondoggle healthcare bill.

Here's what I said in my letter . . .

The Senate Finance Committee finalized a healthcare bill without knowing what it will cost. That's irresponsible.

Even worse, you guys are hiding the true costs of your proposals by pushing their full implementation beyond the 10-year accounting window used by the Congressional Budget Office. That's fraudulent.

If corporate CEOs behaved this way you'd use Sarbanes-Oxley to put them in jail.

Madoff defrauded in the billions. You guys commit fraud in the trillions. DO NOT PASS THE HEALTHCARE BILL! 

Send your own letter to Congress here.

Perry Willis

Communications Director, Inc.


A Michael Tanner op-ed in The New York Post

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