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Disturbing News About Newborn Babies

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From: NR
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 10:25 AM
Subject: FW: Disturbing news

Newborn male circumcision is the most common surgical procedure performed in the U.S.


Many people believe that there are tangible health benefits to male circumcision but, the truth is no medical society in the world recommends it. In fact, the American Medical Association calls the surgery "non-therapeutic." What's worse, over 100 babies die as a result of complications from circumcision in the U.S. each year.


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is developing public health recommendations for the U.S. on male circumcision – ignoring the serious risks such as hemorrhage, infection, surgical mishap, and death – in favor of highly debatable and inconclusive research.


The CDC is the foremost expert on public health in our country and, as such, has a responsibility to share the truth about circumcision.


I just took action, signing a petition to the CDC, demanding the organization release a truthful statement on the harms and risks of circumcision.


If you believe as I do, that we should protect newborn babies from harmful and unnecessary surgery, then join me by clicking the link below:


In fact, in about 1979, I made a large art collage on this very subject. ...Well, also about female circumcision - because I was so upset when I suddenly learned about that in the news - 74 million baby girls annually at the time! and it's at least double that now! And my art collage - about 5' by 7' in size - was immediately accepted in an Art Show at the University of Oregon Student Union, where I was attending law school. Not bad, for one's first artwork!


And I know of at least one pregnant mom and dad who made the right decision for their baby boy, having been exposed to my art expression!


In addition to circumcision's harms and dangers explained at the link, I believe  psychological harm results that is part of what supports the negatives in our patriarchal dominated society today and in the last centuries leading up to the present.

Thanks for reviewing this! Think of all the lives that will be impacted positively if this foolish measure is stopped.

Blessings and gratitude,


Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 11:59:46 -0400


To: NR

Subject: Disturbing news

Intact America

Dear Nimueh,


Despite grave ethical issues, the AAP and AAFP are considering revising their positions on circumcision.

Send our Intact America team to this month's AAP and AAFP conferences to prevent a circumcision recommendation!

We need to raise $5,000 by October 14 to make it happen. Will you help?

I have disturbing news.

No professional medical association in the world has ever recommended infant circumcision - and it's widely considered unethical. But as you read this, both the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) are considering revising their positions for the first time in history - just like the CDC.

We need to fight back now, before it's too late.

Will you help us raise $5,000 by October 14 so that we can give doctors accurate and comprehensive information on the risks, harms, and ethics of infant circumcision?

At the CDC's conference in August, we saw how our presence can make national headlines. These events are crucial opportunities to educate medical professionals and fight misinformation through media attention.

Your donation will help us get our message in front of tens of thousands of important health professionals and policy-makers. With your help we'll be able to:

  • Place an ad in a national newspaper to expose the harms and serious ethical concerns of circumcising baby boys and increase public pressure on the AAP and AAFP.
  • Get our team inside both conferences. We'll set up a high-visibility booth inside both the AAP National Conference and Exhibition in Washington, DC, and the 2009 AAFP Scientific Assembly in Boston. Being there in person means we can set the record straight for health professionals.
  • Remind doctors and decision-makers at both conferences that it violates medical ethics to perform unnecessary, life-altering surgery on baby boys who cannot give their consent.

Nimueh, we can't afford NOT to be there. But we can't do it without you.

Please, make a gift to help get our message heard at the AAP and AAFP conferences.

With your help, we can prevent the AAP and AAFP from recommending circumcision for baby boys.

Thank you so much for your help regarding this urgent development.


Georganne Chapin

Executive Director, Intact America

Donate Today!

Intact America

PO Box 8516

Tarrytown, NY 10591