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Steve Elliott, President

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----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 11:19 AM
Subject: One year in prison for resisting ObamaCare!
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

      "You will face ONE YEAR in prison for resisting

      ObamaCare. It's part of the massive lies and

      distortions designed to hide the real dangers of

      ObamaCare. Please see below."  --Steve

Yesterday, the Senate Finance Committee staged two votes on adding the "public option" to the Baucus version of ObamaCare.

I say "staged" because Senate Democrats fully expected both amendments to fail. That was their plan. They want YOU to think that the Senate version of ObamaCare will not include

a "public option" and therefore it's not really a government-run system.

That's simply a lie--In fact, it couldn't be further from the truth!

The REAL truth is, ObamaCare with or without the public option

is still a massively oppressive and unconstitutional government

takeover of our healthcare system, and as citizens we cannot

support it!

But, it gets worse.

Senate Democrats plan to sneak the public option back in to the final ObamaCare bill when it moves to the Senate floor... when there will be little time for real debate... and no scrutiny of a Committee hearing!

So the votes yesterday were an intentional distortion to get you and I off track -- to make us think that ObamaCare is moving to the middle and becoming a bi-partisan bill.

But it gets worse...

This is because as bad as the "public option" is, it isn't even the most insidious DANGER of ObamaCare.

And what is the most insidious DANGER of the entire ObamaCare scheme? The unprecedented and unconstitutional INDIVIDUAL MANDATE. Here's why...

+ + The Individual Mandate is UNPRECEDENTED...

According to the Congressional Budget Office:

         "A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase

         health insurance would be an unprecedented form of

         federal action. The government has never required

         people to buy any good or service as a condition

         of lawful residence in the United States."

Never before in U.S. History has such a federal mandate been imposed on the people of the United States!

Why? Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

Let me say that again...


If the individual mandate is considered a "regulation" then it most certainly is unconstitutional.

Most of the expansion of federal power of the past 90 years has taken place through the Commerce clause of the Constitution. Inother words, if some activity impacts "commerce," Congress claims authority to regulate.

But there is no "commerce" involved in "being" an American! As the CBO so clearly stated, such a mandate on "lawful residence" is unprecedented. That's because it is clearly unconstitutional!

And here's where Obama and the Democrats run into trouble because the only way they can justify ObamaCare is to call it a tax instead of a regulation and then claim Congressional authority to tax.

But scholars are saying that this type of tax is likely also unconstitutional. Plus, Obama said he "rejects the notion" that the individual mandate is a tax, fearing his plan will lose more support if it is exposed as a tax increase.


+ + The Individual Mandate IS Government Takeover

With or without the so-called "public option", the Individual Mandate means ObamaCare is a government takeover of healthcare. That's because the individual mandate gives government control over the healthcare system by giving the government the authority to FORCE you to comply!

In fact, if you don't pay the Individual Mandate TAX, you'll face up to a $25,000 fine or even ONE YEAR IN JAIL!

There is no escaping the government-run ObamaCare system. This is the definition of a government takeover of healthcare!

Here's what CATO Institute says about the Individual Mandate:

             "Simply making health insurance compulsory gives

             government as much control over healthcare as

             would a compulsory government program."


We've been lied to...

The truth has been distorted...

And the real dangers of ObamaCare (the pubic option and the individual mandate) are alive and well.

If you're not angry, you might want to check your pulse!

I, for one, am outraged.

And I'm not going to allow the Left to get away with their lies and distortions!

The Senate Finance Committee is still voting. More key votes are just ahead.

Here's what I'm asking you to do.

Action Item #1 -- Fax Your Senators and the Committee Now

Even if you have done so already, we are urging all team members to schedule faxes to their two senators and the key members of the Senate Finance Committee TODAY.

          Go here to schedule your faxes:

We have provided suggested text for your fax that specifically highlights the dangers of the Public Option and the Individual Mandate.

If you prefer to send faxes on your own we've done all the work for you. Simply click here to download targets and letters now:

+ + Action Item #2 -- Call Your Two Senators and

                      Key Committee Members

Also... call your two Senators and tell them you oppose healthcare reform that includes any form of an individual mandate. Urge the Committee members to vote NO:

Sen. Baucus (Chair): 202-224-2651

Finance Committee: 202-224-4515

We have listed other key Senate Committee phone numbers here:


Please forward this message to your friends and urge them to take

action by sending faxes or signing the petition here:

We have reached perhaps the most dangerous time in this crucial debate. The Left is executing its deception strategy to perfection. Their plan to sneak the public option into the final bill has already been hatched. And even worse, most conservatives are not yet focusing on the dangers of the individual mandate.

Thanks for taking action,

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. My staff is gathering compelling evidence that the healthcare "crisis" is nothing more than a contrivance of Obama and the Left to seize control of one-seventh of the economy!

I'll be sharing this with you soon.

For now, please take action to expose the distortions of the Left over the "public option" and the dangers of the unconstitutional individual mandate by clicking here:

P.P.S. I have posted a version of this update with sources you can reference on our ResistNet site. Go here:

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 not tax deductible.