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Hey, Congress! 933,000 reasons to plan career change...

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From: WorldNetDaily
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 9:55 AM
Subject: Hey, Congress! 933,000 reasons to plan career change...
Keep the pressure on Washington
What's the next big thing?

By Joseph Farah, editor and CEO of WorldNetDaily

Americans have been rising up and showing their righteous anger at tea parties, at town halls and, spectacularly, at a march in Washington that probably topped 1 million participants, according to my trained observer eyes that have seen many Capitol demonstration since the 1960s.

I think the next big thing might be the "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign.

WND announced the "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign Friday and it has already reached more than one-sixth of its stated goal of 5 million notices, individually addressed, personalized with senders name and address and delivered to all members of Congress by Fed Ex. Already, 933,000 of the "pink slips" are on their way to Washington.

Send an urgent warning to every member of Congress to let them know you're watching. Click here.
It's a big undertaking, but Americans are responding because they understand how close we are to losing our country's unique heritage of self-government, individual rights, prosperity, sovereignty and independence.

That's why I think this kind of action may well be the next big thing.

After all, nothing like this has ever been done before.

Can you imagine the looks on the faces of those members of Congress when they see boxes and boxes of "pink slips" being delivered to their offices by Fed Ex couriers?

It's all the brainchild of a friend of mine, a real patriot and super-organizer (not to mention a weekly WND columnist) Janet Porter.

She came up with the idea of flooding Congress with notices that 2010 is right around the corner and that we are watching our officials very carefully.

I think 2010 could be a historic election. I would not be a bit surprised if Congress changed hands like it did in 1994.

But this campaign is not about electing Republicans. It's about displacing big spenders and Big Government proponents in both parties. It's about shaking things up. It's about making a statement. It's about putting Congress on notice that enough is enough. It's about saying: "You keep this up, you're gone."

It's hardly an idle threat.

Look at the polls.

Americans are ready to take their country back and they are looking for ways to make their voices heard.

The "Send Congress a Pink Slip" campaign is an opportunity to do just that.

For just $29.95 you can send this powerful message to every member of Congress by Fed Ex. We have experience with this process from other campaigns and we know it works.

We've reduced that price as low as we can while making it feasible to deliver the goods in a timely and efficient manner. This is not a money-making scheme. This is an America-saving scheme.

There's power in numbers and there are economies in numbers as well. That's why we are able to get the price so low. More participants means cheaper prices on paper and printing. More participants means reductions on Fed Ex delivery charges. More participants also means more fear in Washington.

And that's what this campaign is all about - instill fear in the hearts of entrenched incumbents who don't think they need to listen to the will of the people any more.

So join me and Janet Folger in making this campaign a huge success. Let's make it a record. Let's give members of Congress something to think about before they socialize medicine and spend more of your grandchildren's inheritance.

Spread the word. There's a special website designed to introduce everyone to the concept - WND reader or not.

God bless you - and God bless America.

Send your pink slips now.

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer
