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Obama Has Spent HOW MUCH Obstructing Birth Certificate Investigation?!


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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 12:28 PM
Subject: Obama Has Spent HOW MUCH Obstructing Birth Certificate Investigation?!
Why has Barack Hussein Obama spent as much as 1.4 million dollars, to block the American people from seeing his actual birth certificate... the one document that could prove that he is not a fraud and a usurper?

And that 1.4 million figure doesn't even include actions taken by the United States Department of Justice on your tax-dime.

According to "President Obama may be using his political action committee funds to stomp out eligibility lawsuits brought by Americans, as he has paid more than 1.35 million to his top lawyer since the election."

"Obama for America, Obama's 2008 political campaign, merged with the Democratic National Committee in January and is now known as Organizing for America. The grassroots army that some refer to as 'Obama 2.0' is still collecting financial contributions.

"Federal Election Commission records for 'Obama for America' show that the lobby organization has paid international law firm Perkins Coie exactly 1,352,378.95 since the 2008 election."

    Barack Obama still has the nerve to accuse American citizens of buying into a "conspiracy theory" even though he is spending untold amounts to fight efforts that would compel him to produce the one document that could bolster the argument that he is, in fact, eligible under Article 2, Section 1, of the United States Constitution to hold the office of President of the United States.

    And as for the Mainstream Media (MSM)... why don't you see headlines that read: President of the United States Spends 1.4 Million Dollars To Obstruct Investigation Into Conspiracy Theory?

    The answer is obvious. The MSM is hoping and praying that you don't notice because if you do, they'd be compelled to cover the story.

    Of course the MSM would spin the story, but the MSM knows that no amount of spin can prevent Americans from asking, in increasing numbers ask, what does Barack Obama have to hide?

    That's what the MSM fears and with your help, we're going to make those nightmares come true.

    That's why we're going to continue deluging their newsrooms - their inner-sanctums - with faxes from American citizens like you demanding that they stop distorting and start reporting.

Use the button below and help the Western Center for Journalism flood the fax machines of Barack Hussein Obama and the editors of the Top Newspapers in the United States (USA Today, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the New York Post, and Long Island Newsday) - and the producers at ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, MSNBC and CNN.

Let them know that the questions surrounding Barack Obama's eligibility must be answered. Let them know that these questions cannot be ignored. Let them know that no amount of ridicule or biased media spin will make them go away.

Tell them that the American people demand to know why Barack Obama has spent a sum as high as 1.4 million dollars to thwart discovery of a matter they call a conspiracy theory. Tell them to ask why his attorneys have threatened petitioners in these proceedings. Tell them to explain why Barack Obama refuses to produce his actual birth certificate and thus prove he is eligible, under the Constitution, to hold the office of President of the United States.

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Your Gifts To The Western Center For Journalism Are Tax-Deductible.

    And while we're at it... while we're demanding that the MSM ask why a sitting President would spend up to 1.4 million dollars to obstruct investigation or discovery into a conspiracy theory; here's another question.

    Why would Team Obama attorney Robert Bauer threaten plaintiffs against Obama? again:

"Bauer sent a letter to plaintiff Gregory Hollister, a retired Air Force colonel, of Hollister v. Soetoro, threatening sanctions if he doesn't withdraw his appeal of the eligibility case..."

    Specifically the warning reads:

"Should you decline to withdraw this frivolous appeal, please be informed that we intend to pursue sanctions, including costs, expenses and attorneys' fees, pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 38 and D.C. Circuit Rule 38."

    Why spend 1.4 million dollars? Why threaten American citizens? Why not put the matter to rest with 10-20 dollars and a quick phone call to vital records?

    It's clear that the issue surrounding Obama's refusal to release his birth certificate and prove his eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States goes much deeper than initially thought.

     The fact of the matter is Obama does indeed have something to hide when it comes to his birth certificate (and some of his college records for that matter).

     Obama, through his own obstruction in this matter, has established that contention as valid. It can no longer be reasonably questioned.

     And despite what the MSM says, large numbers of the American people know it too. You are not alone.

     A national survey conducted in August by Public Policy Polling indicates that a staggering 39% of Americans believe that Barack Hussein Obama was born outside of the United States or aren't sure; and that number jumps to 64% among self-identified Republicans (19% among Democrats and 36% among Independents).

     An independent poll commissioned by showed nearly 50 percent of Americans think Obama should release his birth certificate and other personal papers, such as his school and travel records. And that poll was taken last June.

     Approximately half-a-million Americans have gone so far as to sign a petition demanding Obama release his actual Birth Certificate.

     Even the extreme left wing Daily Kos was shocked when its own poll found a huge percentage of Americans skeptical about Obama's constitutional qualifications.

     The issue of Barack Hussein Obama's eligibility will only go away if we let it go away. We must keep pressing for the truth.

Use the button below and help the Western Center for Journalism flood the fax machines of Barack Hussein Obama and the editors of the Top Newspapers in the United States (USA Today, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Daily News, the Chicago Tribune, the New York Post, and Long Island Newsday) - and the producers at ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, MSNBC and CNN.

Let them know that the questions surrounding Barack Obama's eligibility must be answered. Let them know that these questions cannot be ignored. Let them know that no amount of ridicule or biased media spin will make them go away.

Tell them that the American people demand to know why Barack Obama has spent a sum as high as 1.4 million dollars to thwart discovery of a matter they call a conspiracy theory. Tell them to ask why his attorneys have threatened petitioners in these proceedings. Tell them to explain why Barack Obama refuses to produce his actual birth certificate and thus prove he is eligible, under the Constitution, to hold the office of President of the United States.

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