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Democrates Demand ObamaCare Vote WITHOUT SEEING THE BILL !

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

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----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 5:48 PM
Subject: Dems demand ObamaCare vote without seeing the bill
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

            Democrats are forcing a vote on ObamaCare without

            seeing the actual language of the bill!  See below.


Today, Senate Democrats in the Finance Committee rejected a Republican move to require that the full text of the Baucus government-controlled healthcare bill be posted for 72 hours prior to a vote.

Democrats are fast-tracking the bill through committee, insisting that Senators vote on the bill WITHOUT seeing the actual language of the legislation.

In fact, Democrats were making their point by mocking those who wanted to actually READ the bill before voting!

             Sen. Kerry said, "Legislative language is relatively

             arcane, very legalistic, and most people don't read the

             legislative language."


Especially since it is clear that ObamaCare is really nothing more than a cover for a massive takeover of huge sectors of our economy that transfers power to the Obama Administration!

 I need you to take fast-action right now...

Action Item #1 -- Fax Senate Finance Committee

The fast-tracked vote in the Finance Committee will take place this week. Even if you have done so already, we are urging all team members to schedule faxes to their two senators and the key members of the Senate Finance Committee TODAY.

          Go here to schedule your faxes:

If you prefer to send faxes on your own we’ve done all the work for you. Simply click here to download targets and letters now:

+ + Action Item #2 -- Call Your Two Senators and

                      Key Committee Members

Call your two Senators and tell them you oppose the fast- tracking of the Baucus ObamaCare bill. DEMAND that they post the full text BEFORE a vote!

Sen. Baucus (Chair): 202-224-2651

Finance Committee: 202-224-4515

We have listed other key Senate Committee phone numbers here:

Something as important as a TAKEOVER of one-sixth of the economy requires that our Senators and the American people have an opportunity to review the actual bill text!

Thanks for taking action,

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. When you call, Democrat staffers may try to tell you this is standard operating procedure (voting without the text of the bill). Tell them you would never buy a car or a house without reading the contract -- how can they take over one-sixth of the economy without seeing the bill language!

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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