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Obama Steps Up Bullying Tactics on Health Care

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

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----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 6:51 PM
Subject: Obama Steps Up Bullying Tactics on Health Care
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

         "I believe we are in the homestretch for health care.

         What we do right now could be the difference maker."


I'm convinced we are in the final stages of the health care debate.

President Obama has grown impatient, and unless Republicans are

willing to embrace what he calls "compromise", he has hinted he

would use a controversial budget maneuver to pass health care

by October 15.

Last week, Obama scolded Congress telling them to stop playing politics. Yet that's precisely what he's doing threatening to employ the reconciliation process!

This isn't about you and I and true health care reform. This is about a President, a bully who is chomping at the bit to reshape a nation by dramatically increasing the size and scope of our government... and the kicker?

He expects you and I to pay for it all--as much as 13 percent of our income!

         I can't stand idly by while the country I love is

         destroyed like this... and my hope and prayer is

         that you will stand with me right to the end!

         Since no one in Washington seems to understand English,

         we need to speak to them in the only language they do


With time dwindling in the health care debate, we MUST let every member in Congress know that support of Obama's government-run plan may cost them their jobs!

I believe it may be the only chance we have to short-circuit Obama's mad dash to socialize our nation, and I'm counting on the Grassfire team to make a difference in days ahead.

Click here to help:

++ Unleashing a Massive Fax and Phone Blitz of Capitol Hill

Only bulldog like ferocity and tenacity is going to defeat Obama and his radical cohorts, and I want to do just that through an aggressive fax and phone blitz of Capitol Hill.

            Ferocity in that we all together fighting for our nation!

            Tenacity in that we refuse to back-down in our efforts!

My staff has written the letters and identified the key targets in this debate ranging from your two South Dakota Senators and Representative to the Senate Finance Committee, to Blue Dog Democrats and those most vulnerable in their re-election efforts.

All we need is your permission to send the faxes on your behalf!

Click here and tell us to send your faxes:

If you prefer to send faxes on your own we've done all the work for you. Simply click here to download targets and letters now:

After scheduling your faxes, pick up your phone and call your lawmakers every day letting them know that support of ObamaCare may cost them their jobs!

Rep. Herseth Sandin 202-225-2801

Losing the health care battle simply is not an option!

That's why I'm counting on EVERY member of our team to step up right now and make a personal impact on the health care debate.

Thanks in advance for taking action with Grassfire.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. After scheduling your faxes, forward this message to your friends and family, urge them to get involved by clicking below and signing our petition opposing ObamaCare:

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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