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Joe Wilson: Racist? or Patriot?

World Net Daily

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----- Original Message -----From: WorldNetDaily
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 2:30 PM
Subject: Joe Wilson: Racist? or Patriot?
Fellow Patriot,

Now they've done it! We briefed you last week on the unprecedented attacks from the liberal left on Congressman Joe Wilson and asked for your support to fight back. But it's gotten worse...

Patrio Congressman Joe Wilson
Since last week when Joe Wilson stood in truth and declared Obama a liar on health care benefits to illegal aliens, the liberal left has raised well over $1,000,000 for his Democrat opponent. $1,000,000 in one week for a seat in Congress!!!

But that's not all that's happened. Over the weekend, the liberal wingnuts attacked Joe Wilson's website causing it to crash and delaying much of the support that patriot folks like you were trying to get to his campaign.

Then just yesterday Nancy Pelosi and her leftwing Democrats in Congress insisted on formally rebuking Congressman Joe Wilson after he refused to apologize a second time for his outburst last week.

The liberal left are showing their true partisan colors when they spend an entire week drafting a resolution of rebuke...instead of being hard at work for their constituents.

And the cherry on top? Get this ...

Yesterday, former president and liberal lion Jimmy Carter suggested that Rep. Wilson's outburst was motivated by racist sentiments that are alive and well in South Carolina!!!


So, let's sum this all up. Because Congressman Joe Wilson has the guts to stand up and call a lie a lie, he has been forced to endure:

  • an energized and well-funded Democrat opponent
  • the hacking and crashing of his website by leftwing nuts
  • the continual lecturing and barrage of mainstream media attacks
  • the first formal rebuke of a Congressman...ever
  • and being called a racist by a former president

This is simply outrageous and we MUST NOT STAND FOR IT!

Help us send a message to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Hussein Obama: WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN!

We need to make it clear that they won't shove their socialist agenda down our throats and they won't silence us!

Help us rally around Rep. Wilson and push back the left's attacks on a true patriot.

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For the Republic,

Brett Farley

Brett Farley

Executive Director

Minuteman PAC

P.S. Rep. Joe Wilson has had to endure more than most any politician will ever have to endure. He's been hacked, smeared, out-raised, rebuked, and called a racist...all in 7 days!!! His crime? Calling out Barack Obama for lying to the American people! Help us stand up for Joe Wilson and fight back against the liberal left. Click here to support Joe Wilson.