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The tTime is Now to "Flip This House!

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----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 3:06 PM
Subject: The time is now to "Flip This House!"
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, Grassfire

          "What happened in D.C. over the weekend marked a

          political watershed. But what now? What's next?

          Here's my plan." --Steve

The citizen revolt against Obama-led big government now has

a face...

It's the sea of grassroots Americans who peaceably marched on our nation's capital this past weekend. I'm thrilled that thousands (perhaps tens of thousands) of Grassfire and ResistNet members were on hand. And despite efforts by the liberal media to downplay the crowd, one thing is clear...

          The grassroots, tea-party resistance is massive, it is

          growing, it has momentum and it is changing the

          political landscape!

But the key question facing us right now is NOT arguing with the liberals over how many people attended...

The real question of the day is this...

          What do we do now?

During Grassfire's Grassroots Training session Friday before the march, we launched a campaign that I believe answers that question, and can help move the patriotic, tea-party resistance to the next level...

I can sum it up in three words...

          ...FLIP THIS HOUSE!

The time is NOW to translate our political resistance into action--stimulating change that disrupts and alters the political landscape. Simply put, we must FLIP THIS HOUSE in 2010!

Go here to find out more:

One of our team members came to us with the idea and it immediately resonated with me.

         I can tell you that at our training session, Grassfire

         and ResistNet team members caught the vision immediately--

         responding loudly and strongly as soon as we put

         "Flip This House 2010" on the large video screens!

         Flip This House 2010 is a non-partisan campaign designed

         to restore the ideals of liberty and limited government

         to political authority. And the next chance to do that

         is in 2010... when we ban together to Flip This House!

During our training session, I outlined the four FLIP Principles and the four aspects of the FLIP Platform that we believe can unite the vast majority of the American people to challenge the rising tide of statism and big government.

 I want you to review the FLIP Principles and the FLIP Platform by going here:

++ Stirring a Waking Nation...

The first stage of our Flip This House initiative is to engage hundreds of thousands--perhaps even millions of Americans in the goal of "Flip This House 2010..."

         Then, from that base, we can hold candidates accountable--

         encouraging men and women of principle to seek office

         to uphold these principles.

The Taxpayer March on D.C. was historic. And thanks to you, Grassfire played a key role...

         ++You helped us reach our goal of delivering more than

           500,000 petitions to Congress on the eve of the March...

         ++Dozens of Grassfire team members helped personally

           deliver 505,000 petitions, and reaching every Senator...

         ++Grassfire and ResistNet hosted a two-hour Grassroots

           Training session followed by a "meet-and-greet" reception

           that attracted nearly 1,000 people...

         ++Grassfire/ResistNet served as one of the Platinum

           Sponsors of the historic 9/12 march...

Now, we must move forward boldly. I believe "Flip This House 2010" can help us do just that.

Please visit our new website where you can review the FLIP Principles and Platform, listen to the launch event and more:

Thanks for the stand you are taking to RESTORE and REBUILD our nation to greatness!


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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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