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OpEdNews Reporter Arrested While Photographing Protest

Rob Kall

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On Saturday, reporter Cheryl Biren was arrested along with six protesters by Philadelphia police while taking photos of arrests of protesters against the Army Experience Center (AEC.) She was rough-handled by an arresting officer, held in two different jails for a total of 14 hours, being released onto the mean streets of Philly, locked out of the "roundhouse" police station, in the dark, at 5 AM without even the opportunity to first turn on her cell phone to call for a ride home.

Cheryl Biren observed, "after having been released into the streets of philly, doors locked behind us, in the pitch black without being allowed to turn on our phones while inside to secure our rides. such chivalry."

Biren was with five other women, including Debra Sweet, head of, and Elaine Brower of Military Families Speak Out when put outside the jail. (Bowers is also an editor of

All six were charged with "criminal conspiracy" and "failure to disperse."

Here's what I witnessed:

The police were arresting six demonstrators. The demonstrators were peaceful and cooperating with the police. managing editor was on the scene, covering the event as a photographer. She had not carried signs, had not shouted with the protesters. She was there strictly as a journalist-- as the many police videos and photos will prove.

She was at the front of a group of other onlookers who were watching the police arrest the demonstrators who had separated themselves from the crowd. All of a sudden, one plain clothes police officer rushed forward and roughly grabbed Biren, as she was photographing the arrests, pulling her from the crowd and forced her to the area where the protesters being arrested were standing. She protested that she was a reporter, a member of the press. I, as publisher of OpEdNews, reinforced her claim immediately, to no avail. She was put into temporary plastic handcuffs which were made so tight her wrist was injured. A number of observers and legal consultants agreed that her use of a professional camera, taking photos of the arrest was probably a factor in her arrest. Biren thought fast and before the cuffs were placed on her she removed the chip storing the images from her camera and hid it in her bag so she still had the photos. They can be seen here

Photo taken by journalist Cheryl Biren moments

before being arrested

Ironically, as a statement of solidarity with journalists such as Amy Goodman arrested at the GOP convention, Biren co-authored, with a former editor, this article, on Sept. 3, 2008, OEN Condemns Police Action at the DNC and RNC, stating, " A free press where reporters can engage in their journalistic duties without threat of arrest must be respected. Take action."

OpEdNews managing editor, Cheryl Biren, on the scene in lower left, taking photos, of Elaine Bowers being arrested. Biren can clearly be seen as part of a crowd of onlookers, not in the space police were clearing where arrests were taking place. No other onlookers were arrested,

That started a 14 hour journey in a prisoner bus, to two jails. During that time police lied to her and me about how long she would be in custody. Apparently, this is a common practice by the police, telling prisoners that they will be held a much longer time than actually happens.

Ultimately, the six women of the seven arrested were separated from the one man and taken to the main holding prison for Philadelphia and they were released at about 5:00 AM the next day-- fourteen hours later. The male, seventh protester, who was not transferred to the center city Philly jail was released at 9:00 AM.

The good news is that the Army Experience Center closed for the day, on a Saturday at the Franklin Mills Mall. That made the protest a success. Local readers may want to consider boycotting the mall. The police used trespassing as their reason to arrest, when they announced that protesters must leave. Apparently, they changed the charges later.

The arraignment date for the Biren and the 5 protesters is Sept. 23 at 1301 Filbert St. at 11:30 AM. Map:

The story has received wide play in progressive venues, but could be covered a lot more.

By Linda Milazzo

OpedNews Journalist and Six Protesters Charged With Criminal Conspiracy After Arrest At "Army Experience Center"

The press should not be treated this way. Please do what you can to get this story out.

Call the mayor of Philadelphia, Mayor Michael Nutter.

Call the Philadelphia District Attorney's office. It is a frightening situation when the press can't cover arrests of peaceful protesters when they are turned into political prisoners. The police should be disciplined for their actions.

Considering Freedom of the Press

Shortly before the arrests began, the police announced that they would be making arrests if people did not leave. A crew from PBS's Frontline left the area immediately. This made it impossible for them to document the police making the arrests. To my knowledge, Biren was the only member of the press who lingered, with a large crowd, who stayed to document the arrests. This is an essential role for the media-- one which the mainstream media on-site chose not to pursue.

The police could have arrested dozens of additional people who were standing next to or very near Biren. All of those people were acting in a very different way from the protesters in the area where arrests were taking place. They were simply observing the arrests. The way Biren was pulled from the crowd and moved to the area where the arrests were being made suggests that the police wanted to "place" her.

The fact that no other observers were arrested, that instead they were "managed" by the some 80 police at the mall, suggests that this was an intentional selective effort to muzzle the press. Shame on the city of Philadelphia. Shame on the District Attorney's office for allowing charges of "criminal conspiracy" to be lodged against a journalist doing her job, defending democracy and our constitutional rights. If all the people in the vicinity Biren was in had been arrested, there might be a defense for the police-- that all of them had refused to disperse when instructed. But The police had multiple opportunities to arrest others and failed to.

Biren reports that the officer who actually grabbed her acted angrily-- in a scene where there was no need for anger. This was a peaceful demonstration where the organizers were in friendly communication with the police Civil affairs department that was handling the event. Something went wrong here. There should be an investigation. The press is an endangered entity in the US. The big Philly newspapers are in bankruptcy. The police have a responsibility to the constitution NOT to abuse their powers when facing the fourth estate.

Author's Bio:

Rob Kall is executive editor, publisher and site architect of, Host of the Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show (WNJC 1360 AM), President of Futurehealth, Inc, inventor . He is also published regularly on the

With his experience as architect and founder of a technorati top 200 blog, he is also a new media / social media consultant and trainer for corporations, non-profits, entrepreneurs and authors.

Rob is a frequent Speaker on the bottom up revolution, politics, The art, science and power of story, heroes and the hero's journey, Positive Psychology, Stress, Biofeedback and a wide range of subjects. He is a campaign consultant specializing in tapping the power of stories for issue positioning, stump speeches and debates, and optimizing tapping the power of new media. He recently retired as organizer of several conferences, including StoryCon, the Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story and The Winter Brain Meeting on neurofeedback, biofeedback, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology. See more of his articles here and, older ones, here.

To learn more about me and, check out this article.

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A few declarations. -While I'm registered as a Democrat, I consider myself to be a dynamic critic of the Democratic party, just as, well, not quite as much, but almost as much as I am a critic of republicans. -My articles express my personal opinion, not the opinion of this website.

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