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URGENT Action Alert: Now They Want To Punish Us For Not Buying Overpriced Corporate Health Insurance

The Pen

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----- Original Message -----
From: "The Pen" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:48 PM
Subject: URGENT Action Alert: Now They Want To Punish Us For Not Buying Overpriced Corporate Health Insurance
Some may have thought us overly alarmist when we warned you last week  that UNLESS you speak out now, the IRS would soon be pounding on your  door demanding thousands of dollars for overpriced corporate health  insurance.

Well it sure didn't take them long to propose just exactly that.  Today Max Baucus, the original made man of the medical mafia,  suggested a $3,800 FINE against anyone who refuses to buy whatever   "for the corporations only" medical plan they finally come up.

If you are not outraged yet, if you don't feel totally betrayed by  our so-called representatives, one has to wonder what it would take.  So we ask you again, speak out now, before they ram through the most  hideous caricature of medical care reform bill imaginable. Here is  the new email action page.

Stop Baucus Action Page:

And here again is the new blog resource where you can make notes for  others to read about your phone calls to Congress in support of the  real health care reform bill, HR 676, Medicare for all.

HR676 Phone Lobby Page:

Some of you have written us and told us you don't make phone calls.  Well maybe, just maybe, it's time you made ONE at least. And on the  new phone lobby page are all the latest tested good toll free numbers  for you to use, plus an "Easy policy points" link right there at your  finger tips if you need the best arguments on what to say. It even  looks up all your members of Congress for you.

Can't do that even? OK, how about Facebook, are you on Facebook? Here  is the same action page over there.

Facebook Action Page:

Still not easy enough for you?? Do you have a Twitter account? Just  send the following as a Twitter reply, and Congress will get the same  message, "No punitive fines in health care bill."

@cxs #p1002

That's only about 10 characters. Can't type 10 characters to even  save your own life?? How much easier can we make this, folks?

Guess we can all see the right wing and blue dog Democratic (no  difference really) health care "reform" plan coming by now. Here it  is, they put us all in prison, and if we can't pay the corporate  ransom we stay there for the rest of our shortened lives. Because  what else is a sick body with inadequate medical care BUT a prison.

In the ongoing mad dash of Congress to go in absolutely the wrong  direction on health care, at the same time Steny Hoyer continues to  maintain they may pass something with not even a weak shred of a  so-called "public option" in it. If these are negotiating positions  they are truly sick ones.

So what would that leave us with? Nothing by a punitive system of  forcing us to cough up whatever the medical insurance corporations  demand. And that is exactly what could happen UNLESS YOU SPEAK OUT  NOW!! Not even the lame "public options" they have floated would make  a real difference. We must demand and get nothing less that true  single payer, Medicare for all, the only economical and efficient  solution to the health care crisis. That's OUR negotiating position  and we are sticking to it.

People inside the beltway like to talk about "political realities".  Well the bottom line political reality is this, when people speak out  in sufficient numbers they are forced to listen whether they want to

or not, whether they are pretending that they aren't listening or  not. The only way the bad guys can win is if they can get us to  persuade OURSELVES that our voices do not count.

We'll give you just one recent example from just last week. Another  group organized an action to call Obama's scheduling office to demand  a meeting on single payer. They did not have to generate that many  emails before Obama's people were totally freaking out, DEMANDING  that they stop. Did you hear that, folks? Obama's people were  demanding that they stop their activism, and why would they do that  if it was NOT working?

C'mon folks, this is pour it on time, all hands on deck. Commit to us  right now that you will submit one email action page this week, or  make one phone call from the phone lobby page, or send one Twitter  reply to our message to Congress gateway. And to thank you, we will  send you one of the new "Single Payer Health Care" caps for even the  SMALLEST donation. There is no set price. On many we will lose money.  But some of you will be able to donate more and that will keep us  afloat to fight another day.

Single Payer Health Care Caps:

We just want you to win, folks. That's why we talk to you the way we  do. It isn't always pretty but it is always the truth, as these  latest developments demonstrate. Please take action now.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed  to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.