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: Obama Exposes Himself in Speech

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

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From: "" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:51 AM
Subject: Obama exposes himself in speech
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

          I'm headed to D.C. today for the Taxpayer events and

          I need your help. Please see below.  --Steve

President Obama exposed himself last night... and I'm wondering if I was the only one who saw what happened!

Right near the end of the speech...

When the President tried to make it sound as if government-run health care is something that every past great American would have demanded!

Obama talked about...

          "...the perils of too little" government...

          "...the leavening hand of wise [government] policy"...

          "...carefully crafted...[government] efforts to help people

              in need."

And here's the kicker...

He expressed empathy with those who are having trouble believing that "government is looking out for them."

Well, Mr. President, I OBJECT!

I don't think the crisis we are facing today in America in any way resembles the "perils of too little" government, and I flatly reject the premise that "government is looking out for" me!

And so did our Founding Fathers!

Despite all the pomp and circumstance from last night's address, nothing has changed. This is the same Barack Obama who believes government is the answer... that government is wiser... that government is looking out for you... and that we have a "moral obligation" to pass ObamaCare!

+ + Action: Flood Congress with faxes today!

 I am heading up to D.C. today and I'm thrilled to report that thanks to friends like you we met our goal...

Grassfire team members will be delivering over 500,000 petitions opposing ObamaCare to the Senate. In fact, every Senator's office will receive petitions in this massive delivery tomorrow morning!

But I'm looking to you to help me counter Obama's massive media and grassroots push.

          That's why I'm asking you to schedule faxes for

          immediate delivery to your members of Congress and

          other key Congressmen right now. Go here:

(As always, if you prefer to send your own faxes, click the link above and you will be directed to all the information you need, including sample letters.)

+ + Flood Congressional Phone Lines

Petitions, faxes, and yes, a daily deluge of phone calls pouring into Congressional offices is what I'm asking for right now.

We heard Obama, now he needs to hear from us--loudly!

Pick up your phone right now and call your three members of Congress:

Or, call the Switchboard: 202-224-3121

With your help, I believe we can literally shutdown Congressional phone lines--sending a powerful message to Obama and his cohorts that the American OBJECT to his socialist push!

One final note on the Obama speech...

Right before Obama once again exposed himself as a big-government statist, he also exposed his warped view of American history.

Instead of talking about our "founding fathers" and their principles (i.e. the Constitution), Obama talked about our "predecessors." Specifically, he referenced the Roosevelt New Deal and the Johnson Great Society as his examples of the models to follow -- two eras of the greatest expansion of government in our history!

Obama wants to meet "history's test" without ever consulting the real foundations of America's history!

Thank you for taking action!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: After taking fast action with Grassfire, please alert your friends--urging them to follow your lead by clicking below and faxing and phoning today!

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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