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The Comming Insurrection

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From: F
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 12:43 AM
Subject: "The Coming Insurrection": A Review of the Call for a Radical Anarchy and Communal Revolution, from, and The Burrell Blog at
The elites and our shadow government are masters at chaos politics, also known as the Hegelian Dialectic.  In other words, they create a series of crisis by poor legislation and the failure to enforce the law, and then when the problem reaches a crisis level, instead of merely being responsible and enforcing adequate existing laws or following common sense principles, they come up with a new plan - a plan that takes us a step closer towards their total control and our enslavement.  Like frogs slowly boiling in hot water, unaware to what is happening, we incrementally lose our freedoms until inescapable slavery is upon us.
So, let us see this approach on the grander scale.  The government, with all it's permissive (non-existent) law enforcement that allowed the massive Wall Street and banking theft, open borders, corporate bailout theft, the scam patiot act to steal our rights, upcoming forced vaccinations, forced health care, destroying our free markets and more, is creating and fostering an attitude of civil rebellion of the people.  Could it be that they push us so very far that it may seem reasonable for some people to rebel, but then they send out their own false agitators and false provocateurs, pretending to be loyal Americans, to start a rebellion so the elites can declare martial law and disarm us? 
Don't believe the governments often pulls such massive deceptions on its' own people? &nbs p; Wake up America.   You know that the statement about gaining ultimate power and what it leads to, right?  Well, that is not just a statement based upon myth, it is a painful reality we must all awaken to or live in slavery, if we are permitted to live at all.

Subject: "The Coming Insurrection": A Review of the Call for a Radical Anarchy and Communal Revolution, from, and The Burrell Blog at

From “Front and Center”, by Bud Burrell
“The Coming Insurrection”: A Review Of The Call For A Radical Anarchy And Communal Revolution
Yesterday, I received a pamphlet translated from the French titled “The Coming Insurrect ion”, by an anonymous author. This was printed by MIT Press according to my copy. I must say I was surprised at the competency of the content from a literary perspective, and I was fairly stunned to see a booklet calling for the formation of communes to effect a change of government by sophisticated insurrection. If this book is not a violation of the bar on calling for the violent overthrow of the US Government, I would like someone to explain to me what it is.
This pamphlet is rather more than a theoretical diatribe against Republics and Capitalism. Instead, it is targeted on how to execute a revolt intended to take down our political system.  It is a bit vague as to the specifics of what they would replace our system with, but as with all radical manifestos, this is about seizing power, not about a specific political agenda. It is filled with examples of successful initiatives such as those advocated by the author(s) of this pamphlet, which could be compared in modern terms to Thomas Payne’s “Common Sense” pamphlet that was the rallying call for our own Revolution.
Since I first heard of this little book, I was curious what had prompted the initial reactions to its content when radicals carried it into a major New York bookstore and began reading it aloud without permission. Those present were imprinted by what they heard, and not all in a positive manner. The episode warranted a mention in several20mainstream media outlets, prompting a built in market for the translation once it was printed.
Glenn Beck’s variant of “Common Sense” (with Payne’s pamphlet reprinted in the rear of the book) has been a national non-fiction best seller, still in the top five and ten regularly on the New York Times Non-Fiction Bestseller List. Beck’s compliment to Payne’s work is solid and more than a bit terrifying, indicating that in so many words he and many others feel we are on the edge of a slippery slope sliding into a totalitarian system if we don’t speak up.  It has a focus attacks on Freedom of Speech, and the threats to it from our current national leadership.
“The Coming Insurrection” goes beyond anything I would have expected.  It speaks of specific tactics for large numbers of street corner gangs rendering the Police and Military completely ineffective. It talks about the formation of the early cells of the communes, and how they would then be merged into larger and larger entities gradually over time, until they were in total control of the people.  This roadmap is genuinely insidious. It is my impression that there is only one way to deal with this pamphlet’s siren call effectively.  It is that their opponents supporting our current system of government must literally actively counter them with their own tactics and strategy.  Of concern is that this renders this coun try into a period of anarchy that is their very goal.
A genuine concern of many of the communities I am in touch with includes a consistent fear that the US Constitution, which most took an oath to defend, is being conveniently overlooked by elements of our political class. This is more than an alarm, in that the population elements of my communities are the very same people our Government must rely on to protect our people and our institutions. If our leaders want to compromise their support, they do so at the peril of the nation and our very Country.
I believe this country is still predominantly a quasi-conservative population who believes in the majority of our core values.  Independents have replaced either party individually from dominating the national debate, and indeed, their views and votes now determine what direction the country will head in the future.  In a backlash against President Bush, they voted in major numbers for Obama, but they are not bound by party considerations, and I very much doubt that they will go the same direction electorally in 2010, much less today if asked.
Change has been affected in this country over its history by gradualism, by small steps taken very slowly.  One exception to that were the sequential administrations of Franklin Roosevelt, whose 3+ terms as President made it possible for him to load the Supreme Court with 8 justices, all favoring his new view o f the Constitution as a “Living Document”, a guide and not a law.  Decisions made then still haunt us, not for their ideas, but for the lies that have been used to support them ever since. We can’t afford to let this continue for much longer. We are faced with real problems requiring real solutions, and the decisions supporting them cannot be made in a vacuum by people with neither experience nor ethics.
There is a very old and respected military adage that freedom isn’t free. The same should be said for citizenship. Until every American gets his hands dirty for more than an hour, we will watch gradualism bury us. One day we will wake up in a socialist state, and everyone will be asking what happened.  That is unless, of course, that is what you want.  I don’t think that is what the vast majority of Americans want, and it will take all of us to avoid having a minority “Statism” agenda take the power as if it were a gift. If you value what this capitalist republic has given you, then insist that those who weaken or steal from it face ruthless final penalties.  Let God take up their slack later.