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Obama Now Partnering With God to Pass Health Car

Steve Elliott

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----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 3:31 PM
Subject: Obama Now Partnering With God to Pass Health Care
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Forget about the separation of church and state, these are desperate times for Democrats who are suddenly embracing all things holy to pass ObamaCare!

         Attempting to moralize the health care debate,

         Obama had the audacity to spew that those opposing

         ObamaCare were "frankly, bearing false witness."

         He pressed on, casting his perfect pro-abortion record aside

         saying passage of health care reform is "a core ethical and

         moral obligation: that is, that we look out for one another;

         that is, I am my brother's keeper."

Doesn't his brother live in a tiny box somewhere in Africa?

No matter. Obama and the Democrats are pulling out the stops-- Bill Clinton and even the Al "Gore-acle" showed up at events waxing inspirational and calling passage of health care reform a "moral imperative."

On Wednesday (Sept. 9), Obama will address the nation during a joint session of Congress where he'll likely announce that he has personally partnered with the Almighty to pass health care reform!

++ 500,000 Petitions Opposing ObamaCare!

We have the momentum, and I'm not going to allow Obama or anyone else to moralize this debate in such a way to undermine what we've been able to accomplish so far.

That's why on Wednesday--just hours before Obama takes to the airwaves, I want to announce to the nation that we have rallied half-a-million citizens who staunchly oppose ObamaCare.

I want the media to know that grassroots opposition to ObamaCare is on the rise!

We are only about 60,000 signers shy of this monumental goal, and with your help I'm confident we will streak past the half-a-million mark by Wednesday.

But I'm counting on YOU.

         Forward this message to 40-50 friends urging them to take

         fast action against ObamaCare by clicking here:

Be sure to let your friends know that fellow Grassfire team members will be hand-delivering petitions to every Senate office during the 9/12 events in Washington!

Congress and Obama are desperate. We have the momentum, and with your continued help we will continue to grow the resistance against socialized health care.

Thank you for taking immediate action with Grassfire!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: Please make it a personal priority to forward this message EVERYDAY to 40-50 friends and family. Urge them to click on the link below opposing ObamaCare. Let your friends know that Grassfire will deliver their petition DIRECTLY to their Senators on Capitol Hill!

Click here to sign:

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