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CALL FOR A NATIONWIDE STRIKE ON The 8th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

Charlotte Harrisono-Smith

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Charlotte Harrison-Smith" <>
To: "Patrick Bellringer" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2009 11:57 AM
Subject: Call for a Nationwide Strike On the 8th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

CALL FOR A NATIONWIDE STRIKE ON The 8th Anniversary of September 11, 2001.

The number 8 represents new beginnings.  Why not let the 8th anniversary of 9-11 represent a new beginning for WE THE PEOPLE?  Why not unplug from this governmental system that refuses to obey the will of WE THE PEOPLE on 9-11-09?  If they want to scare us with Swine Flu, why not scare them right back with Swine Flu and let WE THE PEOPLE call in sick all across the country with SWINE FLU until our list of demands are met? 

Guarding our freedom means more than just casting a vote in a voting booth.  It is not the responsibility of a corrupt government to clean itself up, it’s the responsibility of WE THE PEOPLE to clean up the government and we can do this peacefully, without violence.  Just stop working and all commerce until our demands are met.  Call a Nationwide STRIKE in peace.  Violence begets violence but peace begets peace.  Let WE THE PEOPLE choose PEACE and peacefully engage in a nationwide strike.

Let WE THE PEOPLE use the time between now and September 11, 2009 to prepare for the strike by purchasing the necessary essentials needed to sustain the strike.

Let WE THE PEOPLE come together, block by block, talking with each other, sharing with each other and supporting each other so that we can make our voices heard in a peaceful manner and peacefully force the government to change.

Government cannot run without the work, sweat and tears of WE THE PEOPLE. The nation cannot run without the work sweat and tears of WE THE PEOPLE. By definition, the government is a parasitic entity that can only survive on the work efforts of the people who make up the government. 

WE THE PEOPLE have the power to peacefully change our government instead of waiting for corrupt politicians to change their ways.  When have you ever seen a criminal voluntarily stop being a criminal?

Can they fire someone for getting sick?  Can they deny someone the right to return to their jobs after their illness is over?  One of the stars of Harry Potter was allowed to tour the U.S. after a bout of swine flue so why can’t American workers return to work after a bout of swine flu? 

Why not let WE THE PEOPLE organize block by block to ensure that each citizen has the food and water and shelter they need to unplug from this corrupt government that refuses to head the wishes of its people?  What do we want?

We want accountability in the banking system and we want to see mass arrests of bankers who have driven this country into financial ruin, starting at the top!

We want all U.S. Banks to be BASEL II /III compliant and if they can’t put their off-balance-book transactions “on the books” then shut them down.

We want an immediate end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We want each and every member of government who signed the bills authorizing the bank bailouts to resign immediately.

Use this forum as a data repository for the list of demands from WE THE PEOPLE.

Start building the list of demands and preparing for 9-11-9 and then unplug from the system and peacefully STRIKE until the government is forced to shut down.

Let the focus of our demands be immediate changes and let the subsequent changes be worked out after the resignation of the current members of government who signed the law authorizing the bailouts of the banks.  The Senate amended the bill authorizing the bailout when the bill had not passed in the House of Representatives, which is against congressional rules of operations.  You cannot amend a bill that was not passed, it does not matter that the bill was later sent back to the House of Representatives for passage.  The bill was erroneous in its origin.

Let WE THE PEOPLE know that our government has created an alternative document entitled the U.S. Constitution for the United States of America, instead of the U.S. Constitution of the United States of America.

Let WE THE PEOPLE know that our government has incorporated every department of the U.S. Government under this alternative constitution which does nothing to protect the rights of WE THE PEOPLE.

We all know that the courts are crooked so why not force them to change in peace?  Where are the attorneys who love freedom and true justice?  Help WE THE PEOPLE develop legal templates to build class action lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of every law that oppresses WE THE PEOPLE, one law at a time.

Americans would do well to remember the history of the Christmas holiday under the Puritans who first established this nation and made the observance of Christmas a crime.  After the adherents to Christmas filled the jails, the Puritans were forced to abolish the law.Let’s take back our government through peace and through the law, as is our right to do so.

If you don't think the courts are obeying the law, peacefully CLOG THE COURTS UNTIL THEY CANNOT FUNCTION AND PEACEFULLY FORCE CHANGE UPON THE COURTS.

Let’s PEACEFULLY and LAWFULLY unplug from the Matrix and lets do it intelligently!

From C. Harrison-Smith, Plaintiff, in C. Harrison-Smith vs. Bank of America, et. al., Case number: 09 CH 21164 in the Cook County Circuit Court, Chancery Division, Judge Mary Ann Mason, Rm. 2510, 50 W. Washington, Chicago, Illinois. Follow me on twitter - screen name CS2349