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Grassfire's Emergency ObamaCare Petition Delivery

Steve Ellijott

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From: "" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 4:13 PM
Subject: Grassfire's Emergency ObamaCare Petition Delivery
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

         "I want to drop 400,000 petitions into the U.S. Senate,

         so that EVERY Senator hears from grassroots

         citizens on health care!"  --Steve

It's a bold plan at a critical time in our nation's history... hand delivering YOUR petition directly to YOUR Senator opposing the government take-over of our health care!

But that's not all...

I'm also going to deliver EVERY petition opposing ObamaCare to key

Senate leadership--including Harry Reid, Robert Byrd, and Dick Durbin.

But as the old adage goes, desperate times call for desperate measures, and I'm willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that YOUR voice of opposition is heard throughout the halls and offices of Capitol Hill the moment lawmakers return from their August recess--even if it means hand delivering more than 2 million grassroots petitions!


hen Congress returns following Labor Day they will

do so with one goal in mind--to pass ObamaCare as quickly as possible...

..and I intend on greeting each and every one of them with YOUR petition--and thousands upon thousands just like it. They all need to know that no matter how hard they try they cannot and will not silence, or hide from the people they supposedly serve.

That's why I'm announcing Grassfire's emergency petition delivery for the week of September 7--as soon as they return to office!

But to make this a resounding success, Patrick, I need your help.

Over the next 10 days, I am completely dependent on Grassfire team members to help me rally the critically needed extra support to reach our goal of 400,000 citizens who staunchly oppose ObamaCare's

socialist intentions!

++ 40,000 Petitions Needed in 10 Days

I realize 40,000 of anything seems like a huge number, but team members have done this before, and given the dire straits of the moment and what is ultimately at stake (our freedom) I believe we can actually shatter that number--pushing past 400,000 total petitions before our delivery date!

         Over the next 10 days, please make it a personal priority

         to forward this message EVERYDAY to 40-50 friends and

         family. Urge them to click on the link below opposing


         Let them know that Grassfire will deliver their petition

         DIRECTLY to their Senators on Capitol Hill!

Click here to sign:

Because this is such an important issue, please follow up your emails to friends with phone calls--again, urging them to sign our petition. If necessary, walk them through our simple signing process. It truly is that important!

Thank you for standing with Grassfire. I will keep you updated on our petition numbers as together we reach toward our goal!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. If you haven't scheduled your personal faxes to your two Senators, please do so right now by clicking here:

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on  not tax deductible.