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From: WW
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:52 PM
Subject: Fw: Cal, this is Important - Please forward

Mandatory Vaccines? Or Universal Self Care?

 Are Mandatory Vaccines a Terror Tactic to Destroy Health Freedom in America?

Or is This an Opportunity -- a Final Call to Action -- for Universal Self Care?

Graphically archived at

by Christopher Rudy, Publisher

HEARTcom Network

Sometimes we have to see how bad things really are- a pathological system injecting us with pathogens -

before we realize that we have a choice.

We can either submit to the terror

of systemic corruption (evil),

or support the virtue of

  Universal Self Care.

Aug. 26, 2009


Obviously, if the public doesn't have the option to refuse what is injected into our own bodies,

 we don't have any freedom at all.

Facts are indeed stubborn things, and the fact is that President Obama is virtually surrounded by powerful corporate interests of organized greed and corruption who put their profits and power above Constitutional freedoms.  The fact is that Corporate Law puts stockholders before the public whenever profits are at stake. 

The fruit of public worth-ship of the "golden calf" (stock market)

has become self-evident with the bailout of the banksters,

by the banksters and for the privatized corporate banksters.

The final test of our core Constitutional freedoms is now in our face with the FINAL SOLUTION of those parasitic predatory corporate disease profiteers who prefer to make a killing, literally, than lose power over their pathological disease care system that they call "health care".

Like the "preemptive warfare" policy of the military-industrial complex that has gone on the offensive with the Big Lie of "DEFENSE" for endless war profiteering, we're now seeing the same Big Lie of the medical-industrial complex that is preparing to cull the population with mass DISEASE in the name of "health care". 

If you've been paying attention, you are well aware that there is a new terror initiative at work to overshadow your personal option for ownership and control of your own body.

Video News: Quarantine or $1000 a day fine for refusing the vaccine  •  Youtube

It should be pretty obvious by now who the REAL terrorists are.

This is the final solution -- another terror tactic -- of a sick, corrupt system of corporatism that has been usurping core Constitutional freedoms for almost 100 years.   This is also our final opportunity to demand free, sustainable Universal Self Care.

The infamous robber barons didn't go out of business.  They just went behind the scenes like the wizard of OZ.  And if the public doesn't pull back the curtain now, unveiling the power elite potentates behind genocidal public policies, we'll never get back to "Kansas" (our health, our freedoms and the Republic for which it stands).

Either we have a choice to refuse toxic vaccinations

laced with genetic poisons and viral components

or you will soon see no choice nor health freedom

nor any semblance of core freedoms as we've had.

If the Obama administration stops this vaccination insanity now,

you know for sure that they are the good guys.

PRAY THAT'S THE CASE...or we'll be preyed upon by

wolves in sheep's clothing.

Obviously, if the public doesn't have the option to refuse what is injected into our own bodies, we don't have any freedom at all.

That leaves Americans with some hard choices. 

You could network the vision of free Universal Self Care, and pray the idea catches on, or you could succumb to the psychology of subservience to tyranny that gets along by going along with a whack on your immune system, allowing the Feds to vaccinate you with God-knows-what in the vaccines.  All we know for sure is that NO research has shown the public these vaccinations are safe.  We also know that the vaccine manufacturer's have sponsored (packaged) legislation that now grants those manufactures immunity from prosecution for a mass culling of the population, beginning with pregnant women, children and the elderly -- the most vulnerable among us.

The greatest evil is here masking as the greatest good.

Domestic terror is now threatening us as never before.

Concentration camps have been created to quarantine

those who refuse to accept poison-laced vaccines.

If you had a good kinesiologist muscle test your body with YOUR CHOICE -- vaccine or no vaccine -- guess which one would test stronger?

“Conscience is the most sacred of all property." ~ James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution,

4th U.S. President

Pure intention for the highest and best for you and for global health is a form of prayer. 

By contrast, fear goes to the dark side that brings our worst fears upon us. 

Fact is, we are either busy being born as a living prayer

with an upward spiral of self-elevation (salvation),

or we're busy dying in a downward spiral

with fears creating fear that ignores

the higher power of in the

whole-holy spirit of



We're either busy being born with an upward spiral of "self-elevation" (salvation), or we're busy dying in a downward spiral of self-destruction.

The urgent evolution of business in support of Universal Self Care

is, at heart, the business of evolution in our new, all-connected

instant-everywhere-interactive global village.

If you do not have pure intention to pay attention to this core issue of health freedom, then by default, you are part of the problem rather than part of the solution.  But if you DO have pure intention for free Universal Self Care, for freedom's sake, please network this vision far and wide.

Someone has to do it:)

~ Christopher

PS:  As the old paradigm of corrupt conscience disintegrates, institutionalized power without principle can no longer sustain the creation and profiting from war and disease.  Be prepared for major civil disruption in the months ahead.  One critical way to prepare is food reserves.  Consider the offer from Denis Korn for 5% off on the best deal for high quality food reserves at for the month of August.  Just use the coupon code number 909 at checkout.  Let me know if you order any 1-4 year food package and I'll send you a free solar-powered, hand-crank radio that is manufactured by the only company endorsed by the American Red Cross.

If the public doesn't rise and shine with our highest and best, we may see the our worst fears come upon us.

Practical spirituality prays for the best yet prepares for come what may.

Mankind has free will so anything is possible.




 Prayer by a Devotee of LOVE

Let us all pray for greater LOVE of, by and for

We The People...

May I be an instrument in thy hands, Great LOVE,

for building of the kingdom consciousness - the outpicturing of Thy consciousness -

on Earth as it is in heavenly realms

where our evolutionary ascent

with the dimensional shift

is taking us to a space

and to a conscious

place whereby

the power




MUST READ:  "Those Who Have Seen The Future"

MUST VIEW: REALITY THERAPY for 'We The People'Part One: Two: