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Fresno California Water Wars Protest "civil unrest"? Mr Obama placates us with wanna be cowboy

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we are making bumper stickers and t-shirts to get the word out.

Ray....Christine your call screener needs to learn the difference between what is a good call and what is a bad caller. I will not call your show because of her and I am sure she is screening out other callers that could contribute some good ideas and answers! She has a man voice and bad attitude! I cringe when I hear her on KMJ. You also need to grow some huevos to put it kindly. You are dealing with tyrants in this New World Order of which Obama is head now. Ramp it up. You dont need donations as much as you need creative ways to get this viral. All press, please call me for connections to get this National coverage!


Fresno California Water War Protests "civil unrest"? Mr Obama placates us with a guy riding in with a white cowboy hat, secretary salazar! Nothing new, more lies, more subterfuge

Former Mayor of Fresno California & Actor Alan Autry (heat of the night series) of fresno California spoke at a recent meeting with secretary of the interior salazar and said... " If violence erupts in the valley, the BLOOD spilled will be upon Obamas head"... to which the secretary responded saying, "I do not take kindly to threats".... I think our former mayor was voicing the DISPLEASURE of millions of californians and as a mayor has seen up close and personal the "do nothing" policies of past and current admins and is only looking at a logical outcome when he says this!!!!! And I for one will say that what Autry said was not a threat but a promise of things to come if they play us AGAIN another year. For anyone watching this and having no clue as to what a "false flag operation" is, please view my videos under "playlist" on my main channel. It will then make sense why the economy is failing... why they do nothing about our water or make up lame excuses about some small fish while millions are losing their lives and livelihood. This admin is turning a deaf ear bailing out the international banking cartels while they set up for a total collapse of the american economy. This is end time evil my friends... in your face!